sunday went flea market with darling.. bought 2 tofu blister packs and saw one set of winnie the pooh and friends figurines quite nice.. dunno buy or shldnt leh! so suay and blur today.. almost spoil the day, mayb yes.. haha.. i dunno why i'm so blur today.. caught fire when cooking, forgot to bring umbrella and hp... then to raffles watch the winnie phototaking thing, hahah so cute! too bad i din hv a camera at tt time! town to walk ard and meet darling's frens at party world.. ktv! din sing cos paiseh.. haha.. jus sit down and enjoy! ate brownie and chocolate cake and choco biscuits... i'm gonna be very very fat! but its delectable! wahahha... so shiok oh..!!!!

`to be with you, loving and forever..

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