cheerios!! my new blog design is done by weiming, so i tink i said it many times but Thank You! wahahha well u all noe i like these characters alot, esp piglet and winnie the pooh.. so this webby is very very nice!!! hmm, also got the xmas mood over here.. hehe.. so cute and well done i dun tink i can do it if it was me..

i went over darling's hse during the holidays and tt time play poker i lost all within 20 mins leh, watch placebo dvd which is quite gd, slack ard and watch movie at midnite in princess. wahha i like tt cinema cos very little ppl and we can anyhow sit and eat.. hehe.. very enjoying.. lalaala~ so fun and nice jus the both of us oh! =D turned quite alot of toy story, darling wans the aliens, i got hamm and tt dinosaur.. got frozone also, but i wan jack jack.. ahhaha..

sch has started for abt one week, projs are coming and the term is very short.. tt means we mus hand in them in abt 2 mths time.. i quite like my grpmates.. nice ppl.. wahahah.. our class had a problem in grouping today, well... they can do anithing they wan but jus dun ever separate our grp!! been rather bad mood this few days yeah and easily irritated.. normal! i'll be fine again.. today skip my lect for the first time in this sem.. hahaha.. cant wait for the holidays to come again...........

`wish wish upon the stars!

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