xmas xmas... every year it's something i been waiting for to arrive.. mayb to some its jus another occassion, to some its the season of giving and receiving, but i suppose during this period of time everyone starts getting emotional and have the feeling of being unloved and lonely, stuff like tt? well well, ever since carlsberg used the song "Can't take my eyes off you" in their 2002 xmas ad, i'm always reminded of xmas.. to me, the ad is successful in reminding the audience, sth abt mktg comm.. hmm..

ok back to the being lonely part, those years i admit i do feel lonely and stuff.. but i spend the eve with my best frens and its really fun staying out at nite jus chilling ard.. 2002, wahahha xmas eve with des and drk.. playing pool at parkway.. then hang ard at the petrol station eating biscuits and chatting till morning.. i tink i onli knew them for a few mths.. wahahh sorry drk i laugh at ur curls alot tt time.. hey but its really gd time rite!! with ME! then last year with the grp, crystal and joey they all.. hahah.. at boat quay and raffles mrt.. still quite fun ah.. sitting by the grasslandsssss.. nonetheless at tt time, i did felt lonely, bo bian.. hahah typical lah.. so this yr, how will it be? oink oink oinks* we still havent decide wut to do yet..

will be exchanging gifts with the girls.. mayb buying sth affordable for the grp also.. and also for darling... still havent tink of sth for all of them.. few days left.. arghh. quite sad actually but i cant do anithing.. mayb i'm always paranoid, selfish, demanding.. anyway, its jus me showing my moodswings again.. i'm going adidas for my project after sch with xinyi.. GONE GONE GONE!

`intentions, i see them clear

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