wowwie~ ended my temp job sellin mp3 players on saturday.. the 2nd job in my whole life tt i can work more than 3 days.. wahahha.. overall ok lah, the supervisors really not perfect noe, each got their own weird personalities.. then sold quite a number of cheap ones.. cant wait to get my pay! then can start shopping and eating! heehe.. i finally bought the mickey mouse bag, at 1st i tot it was sold off.. there goes my 59 dollars. but i like it alot, the green is very nice... 2 weeks of holidays left for us, how??? holidays really great becos i can slp until afternoon.. hahha.. so many things i wanna buy.. but things like this we all noe are neverending one lah.. jus now went for basic theory lessons early in the morning with darling, 4 hrs ok.. then after tt went to bugis and town for the 1001th time of my life.. so tired now, feels like groggy...........

`the 3 grand essentials to happiness in life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for. (oinks_)

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