a lil friction often make me realise how impt things are to me, how much i cant lose them, how much an impact they hv made in my life. it made me even more treasure frens, those who are there when i was down and out or lonely.. i wasn't feelin good abt many things these days. i feel guilty becos i was wrong and yet my grandma was still so gd to me.. nt really becos of the money, but becos she was there consoling when i felt my parents were so unfair to me and stuff. up till now, i was late very late for dinner, she smiled and even prepared the food for me.. really gotta thank her alot all these years. and it made me wonder if i was being filial towards her these while.. no i wasnt. so i decided i had to go visit every sunday..even for awhile. in life, things nv last forever, memories can flashback anytime, triggered but often, things nv stay the same either. ppl come and go, feelings grow and fade, forgive and forget, things always come in a pair. who's gonna lend a hand to pull us thru the walk in life of shit. i'm jus a nothing, not pretty, not cute, not a gold, not a jewel, jus a stepping stone to escape from sth.

`holidays. i shld jus hv fun. believe me i will.

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