grr. been studyin in school lately. so if i'm nt online often, tts the reason. i guess im sick of internet. for more than one yr and counting, i ve been online almost every single day. up till the extent i rather go hungry without dinner cos i wanna chat online.. sigh! exams are coming, yet i dun seem to be absorbing anything much. coool. everyday u wud be living ur life, thinking wut will happen tml, wut obstacles are gonna block ur way to being happy. coping with ur daily stress, mayb we shld try to relax. let loose but dun let go. okayyy its cliche, but still mus remind myself! after exams, how's life gonna be? slack ards, eat, slp, comp, shop. tinking of hols, i miss the 7mths one. eat, stay out late, pool at parkway, slp. ok switch back! the awakening of the semester exams! kk must make it, lets work hard.

`cud i take ur hand and let the wind take us where it stops, till then we'll settle like the sands in the storm, search the place we belong to and leave the sickening world behind?

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