hmm it was raining jus now..geez spoil the mood but pigging out at ajisen on a rainy day was rather cosy...the hot ramen and stuff. Ahhhhh. eheh i bought a top jus now. in the end onli 3 of us, angie din come!! hahah called her so many times still no reply. but nvm ah, still got many chances to go out together during the hols. altho it wasnt as lively, but we managed to crap a lil abt some marriage stuff and the "door gifts". how GREAT. wahahah..normal things we chat abt yeah..when u hv nth to do, its like a life without an aim. holidays.....bikinis, anyone?

`osama bin laden has farty pants.
third day of holidays.
1st day: slack at home. almost stoned to death, but i had southpark to make it better.
2nd day: had a haircut, went out with darling to bugis, watched 50 first dates. it was real nice and funny. i tink rob schneider is great at acting. wahahaa. the animals in the show are damn cute too!!! esp the baby penguin!! geez. adam sandler really had great patience with drew barrymore, in any case he was sweet to do so much for her daily amnesia. haha.
3rd day: i'm going out to orchard later with the girls. yay!!! its been so long since we hang out together, the 4 of us. angie, crystal, nancy and me! shopping! really miss those days we sit together and talk abt corny or horny things...wahahhahaa.
a lil friction often make me realise how impt things are to me, how much i cant lose them, how much an impact they hv made in my life. it made me even more treasure frens, those who are there when i was down and out or lonely.. i wasn't feelin good abt many things these days. i feel guilty becos i was wrong and yet my grandma was still so gd to me.. nt really becos of the money, but becos she was there consoling when i felt my parents were so unfair to me and stuff. up till now, i was late very late for dinner, she smiled and even prepared the food for me.. really gotta thank her alot all these years. and it made me wonder if i was being filial towards her these while.. no i wasnt. so i decided i had to go visit every sunday..even for awhile. in life, things nv last forever, memories can flashback anytime, triggered but often, things nv stay the same either. ppl come and go, feelings grow and fade, forgive and forget, things always come in a pair. who's gonna lend a hand to pull us thru the walk in life of shit. i'm jus a nothing, not pretty, not cute, not a gold, not a jewel, jus a stepping stone to escape from sth.

`holidays. i shld jus hv fun. believe me i will.
guess wut? it's the last paper todae! been studying the whole day but still feeling i will forget sth later..wut the hell. but tell u guys sth: when a person is young like 12- 16 of age, their memory usually is at their optimum.. however, this memory will start to fail as they reach 18.. u will realise how come u can remember piles and piles of books during o lvls but now? a few lect notes is enough to kill ur brain cells. sigh. gotta admit i'm old. so guys, u're not alone if u tink u hv brain lag. currently listening to vonda shepard's baby don't u break my heart slow. i first heard this song in sec 1 when my fren intro it to me. its quite a nice song the lyrics and stuff. wish me luck in my exams ah!!!

`nightwish - walking in the air
thinking back, there's somethings worth celebrating, somethings worth mourning abt. things like i am left with one more paper to go is gd but a high chance of getting a supp paper is jus vrrooom. heehe, time passes quite fast, exams are gonna be over!! rejoice ppl! hmmm, i realise tt frens are extremely impt in our lives, how much they change our lives, how they lend us helping hands when we need them. frens might seem far away from u sometimes, but there's one thing we mus nv forget: they are always here for us. hohoho sounds like some preacher?! yeah yeah. okayyy i cant wait for the holidays!!! Lalalala! maybe i shall go do some outdoor activities like beachgoing, rollerblading, cycling, blah blah.. hehhe. ta-da~

`dun be afraid to come, cos i will always be willing to give a hand.
study again. how boring. hang ard in sdc, did my a/cs and abit of stats. ate alot of lays' chips cos its really damn nice. haha tt filled my tummy till jus now. can save money this way, nt bad... wut makes a day? good weather, laughter, joy. oh btw its good and healthy to kiss and hug everyday, according to CLEO and some girly mags. hahha sumtimes i look back and think, i kinda agree with it. in this fast-paced life, most are deprived of love and stuff.. so yeah, aiyah i dunno wut to say... heheh. lou lou skip to my lou, lou lou skip to my lou, lou lou skip to my lou, skip to my lou my darling. this is my favorite childhood song... i really love to sing nursery rhymes when i was young.. abit lame but in any case, it filled my life knowing i had music to listen to. plus! i noe how to use the cd player.. okayys.

`mad about you
yes i'm home. sorry guys for giving a black face earlier on cos i was feeling real tough. too tired i was almost on the verge of breakdown and tears. partly becos of the upcoming killer - exams. sigh. very sorry. i guess i was at fault. truly. and i shldnt hv let my emotions rule the head. geez, accts is so damn tedious. but i noe everything's gonna be alrite. hope so! have faith and perseverance in urself, dun get affected too badly by trivial matters. this will bring u peace and success faster than u tot. maybe....

`i do, cherish u...
grr. been studyin in school lately. so if i'm nt online often, tts the reason. i guess im sick of internet. for more than one yr and counting, i ve been online almost every single day. up till the extent i rather go hungry without dinner cos i wanna chat online.. sigh! exams are coming, yet i dun seem to be absorbing anything much. coool. everyday u wud be living ur life, thinking wut will happen tml, wut obstacles are gonna block ur way to being happy. coping with ur daily stress, mayb we shld try to relax. let loose but dun let go. okayyy its cliche, but still mus remind myself! after exams, how's life gonna be? slack ards, eat, slp, comp, shop. tinking of hols, i miss the 7mths one. eat, stay out late, pool at parkway, slp. ok switch back! the awakening of the semester exams! kk must make it, lets work hard.

`cud i take ur hand and let the wind take us where it stops, till then we'll settle like the sands in the storm, search the place we belong to and leave the sickening world behind?
Counting the days on the calendar
Strange how they bleed into each other
All that I need
Is a day with you
Pencil me in on your Saturday
Taking my leave
Should I be waylaid please wait for me

On a day with you
Maybe for now an hour will do
Remember my dear this time last year
The sunsets were late and the days were long
And the nights were filled with song
The nights were filled with song

Strolling the street we're strangely complete
Let's stay awake till the morning comes
We don't need anyone
We don't need anyone

Wasting my life at the traffic lights
Getting nowhere
Trapped in the turnstiles
Stay within reach
Of a day with you
Maybe for now and hour will do
erh yeah. after today's lect i realised stats is actually an interesting subject. true true, mind boggling, its cool. btw, my recent cravings are coffee and campbell soup. dunno wut the hell is wrong, but i smuggled a cup of mocca into lect jus now, tinking it cud keep me awake. It din work, sadly. hohoho it smells really nice. got cds quiz earlier on, pray i at least get a desirable grade. gd friday is here, gd tt it is a holiday. i tink the creators and those smartasses who cre8 southpark are really creative and really noes how to make a corny story out of sth. hahah. hmm. oh yeah poor drk kana suaned by young boy, how sad can it be?! wahhaha, buck up man! now as i'm typing i'm fallin aslp.... this is gloomy bear. it's evil. dun be deceived by pink color, girls. watch out for it. lalallalalalalalalala. and tofu oyako!!
hmmm. its quite obvious i've been feeling terrible these days due to occasional moodswing syndrome (bet some of u dunno this except my chums, haha). i cant help it ok... i get irritated at the slightest shit i encounter, everyone who says things i jus put on my cant-be-bothered face or i get sulky rather often. a very sincere apology to my dearest frens who find me disgusting recently...... very sorry. like i said, i cant help it. i really need to vent it cos i cant contain it anymore. i need to WHINE. sigh! oh yea today i went to turn the tofu! i got the mother!! this crystal gt the spy!!! wahaha ok she very lucky cos she's been wanting it and complaining. cheerios! again, i been tinking abt the hols. alrite, 1 yr pass really damn fast. i seriously hope this yr is a gd year for me, everything had better go smoother. a new hope! here's an analogy i tot of suddenly: Feelings is/are like a business cycle, it has its ups and downs, fluctuations with the passing of time. too much of econs lah. huuhuu.

`anticipation really kills.
so yes, bloggin is boring when u hv nth to blog. time passes very fast when u're hving fun. time passes fast when u're busy. i really hope this period's gonna pass over soon, cos i'm like in a stage neither can i move nor do i wish to stay. its the period before exams and post exams. of cos, wut i am ultimately waiting for is holidays. hmm. everything will jus fade off with time. like my stupid keyboard and floppy drive, jus when i needed them so badly. how TIMELY. i guess things dun often go our way. argh! i've been thinking, abt many things, like how to really enjoy my holidays and blah blah. still wondering. here goes:
1) do a whole body pampering of scrubs and facials.
2) slp and eat.
3) eat and slp.
4) hanging out ard with my chums
5) shopping.
6) still shopping n saving.
7) back to eating and slping.
8) read books, mags, comics
9) backup my com.
10) tidy my room.
11) indulgences in snapping pics of the city at night.
12) stayovers
13) watch cartoons. esp spongebob. movies too. love midnight movies. hahah.
14) trim and maybe redye my hair.
15) exercise.
16) try to whip up some nice food besides spaghetti and eggs.
17) and wut else? mayb wave gd bye to holidays and my freshmen yr. sigh.

`contained and stagnant, who's trapped like the man in the cell?
silent sigh. lalala. i feel like a complete idiot today. its April's Fool. awww, so frens started fooling me in the morning till now. the worst was the cds quiz joke. grrR. nvm. its such a long day, i mean real long. life's a rollercoaster. yawns. presentation was not bad. our class had real gd laughs at the roleplays and we took pics! tis is the onli time in the whole semester i really felt some bonding in our class. i mean REALLy. yes.

`Crimson dawn.