ok i'm attracted to egyptian tales and history. especially discovery channel with the showing of Valley of the Kings. really damn cool. heard they say King Tut's tomb is cursed. the great archaelogical sites with underground tunnels leading to the burial place in the pyramids filled with gold, gems and valuable items. the pharoahs are fascinating with their faces and the mummified kings. the egyptian gods and myths are equally fascinating.

`Suchos - God of the Sacred Nile
upcoming projects, presentations and accounting test are driving me a lil off my sanity. urgh. why chinablack always so crowded? ever since they renovated, i nv been in there. maybe when i'm 18 then come and think abt it. its still freaking early to sept. so yeah. lalalala. so damn tired. today morning i went back to old hse area for breakfast with my family. really miss the childhood i had there. every sunday mornings without fail, we wud head to the market for breakfast meals. how nice. later on went to pay respects to my great grandmother. i jsu realised she came from guangdong and many dead ppl came from the same place: China. some of them died in the early 1920s, 1942 during the war. jus hits me in the head, tt life can end one day, whether u are happy or not. i like tofu alot i realised, and the winnie keychains. been searching for it today but no more. still got one more shop selling that ah, so in the meanwhile, i can save up money first.

`try to measure infinity in the palm of ur hands.
hmm to start off wif sth interesting, a bisexual wanted to hitch our fren desmond. isn't this a big news? so yeah ur life proves to be as interesting as ours.. imagine tt. hahaha.. okok i shall stop laughing. so back to today, i skipped lessons. anyway 2 hrs, i tink wun die. i rather stay at hme than to go to school with tat sickly look. no mcs also..so yeah i pray wun get warning letter. too many undones ever since things happen so wrongly from last yr till now, tt walk alone across the highway proved to be a nice feeling. at nite, when the wind was blowing, cars speeding, the bright lights shone. perfect. oh i was quite blur ytd, i took bus 3 from tamp with crystal. she dropped off first and then when i reach my previous sch i alighted. guess wut bus was i waiting for? BUS 3. wth was i doing?! i waited for the bus as long as i waited for love. freaking long, so in the end i took 89. im already on track and yet i screwed up, trying to wait for the same bus which nv seem to arrive. okok say i'm stupid. but, where are u, my precious?

`Running - No Doubt
its hard. now i finally realised how life cud be so hard for everyone on earth. we struggle to survive, to be the strongest, and constantly we are chasing behind time. time controlled us. shldn't it be the other way round? we rush to be on time, rush to do everything until we forget abt the important things and ppl ard us. yes i admit when i'm busy, i tend to forget.. i waste my time finishing projs, missing on chilling out which i thoroughly enjoy doing so.. i am too tired. sumtimes i jus dun wish to carry on animore. but studying in school proved to be a lil better anyway..i been slping in class and lectures..so i mus slp early nowadays.. look fresh going to school. wuts its like to be in love? wuts its like to be loved? and wuts it like to feel? tt time i read in a mag, they say its easier to fall in love than to stay in love. i tink its quite true, with ppl strayin to having affairs and two-timing. it happens.
yeah peeps. tml going school damn early to print out my projs last minute..how sick. hahah. jus came home from dinner at tamp. slacked ard, ate at cafe cartel with crystal, yy and nicky. yummy i ate waffles, again. i was coughing like an idiot, i dunno why. maybe weather cold. haha..i laughed alot with crystal at stupid things. walked ard blah blah.. so yeah.. hohoho! sat i went to buy a bag and pants..100 gone...this week i'm gonna save up again..tts where i get my money from..not eating alot. smart rite..otherwise, im jus a poor bloke. sumtimes spending money on impulse is known as retail therapy. jus like i crave for ice cream or alcohol during moodswings. ok i noe its abit psychotic.... hmm my hse not cosy enough for me... next time my hse mus be cosy and neat..

`very very tired.
had macroecons lect. did mbs proj in lab, beggin ppl to help. yes they did, and really thank you guys!! left abit onli so i am gonna finish it up..get done with it. later on arab street again..as usual i'm underage so i cant smoke shee sha. so i can onli look. waited for crystal and ate up my teddy biscuits!! left abit!! hahaha..cos i was damn hungry..slacked ard with crystal, yeeyong, nicky and raymond at esplanade..again, tat place is damn nice and gd place to chill out n talk. oh yeah!! b4 tt we went to this place call parkview sth near raffles hospital...dark, nice, seems ancient.. fascinated me a whole damn lot.. gd dating place, i figured. hahha. met some frens downstairs at the coffeeshop, nv see them quite long, i tink they almost fainted when they saw me. thanks to my sis, all of them waited there jus for my grand appearance. haha..wut an honor..ah crap.

`nobody noes wuts gonna happen
love is a beautiful thing. many yearn for one. we've all been stuck in the fellowship. if u are close to me, u will noe wuts it abt. hahaha. wahahha i'm tired, coughin like a stupid horse with itchy throat. i'm late jus now for school cos i sashayed ard damn slow. took a long time to dress up n i forgot my bracelets and things. geez, u noe i feel incomplete without them. my hands are empty. the rain is falling, imagine tt scene. i guess it will be sweet.

`ever fallen in love
Running all the time
Running to the future
With you right by my side

I'm the one you chose
Out of all the people
You wanted me the most
I'm so sorry that I'm falling
Help me up lets keep on running
Don't let me fall out of love

Running, running
As fast as we can
I really hope you make it
(Do you think we'll make it?)
We're running
Keep holding my hand
It's so we don't get separated

Be the one I need
Be the one I trust most
Don't stop inspiring me
Sometimes it's hard to keep on running
We work so much to keep it going
Don't make me want to give up

- Running by No Doubt
hmm..today was a damn tired day..restarted my mbs proj, went to accts lect, hang ard in sch then later kana mayo by william hung! so suay..wahahhaa..then later watch the butterfly effect again with a grp of frens plus dearest crystal wanna watch..hahha i am so gd to my frens rite..saw eileen working and chitchat awhile..hahaha. u owe me a muffin! hmm..during the movie i keep making alot of shitty comments and singing song..irritated crystal until she ask me to shut up..at least i didnt scream..wahaha..seriously i love salty popcorn. dunno why but i dun like sweet ones..moooo.

`cos baby sometimes love jus aint enough.
Heya! Today's been a boring day.. supposed to watch movie with the gang, but then desmond and jinhui cant make it..so its onli me,drk and jerry. we 3 loners of the day..went to shop ard with drk first..bought a fcuk tee for 60 bucks..aiyah heck care cos i really like it anyway..wahhaha..wanted to buy more tees and jeans but then no nice one..so no luck..yawn* gone to lido to buy tix for The Butterfly Effect.. we waited for jerry noe, and he's always late..so went in watch 1st lah..damn nice, a lil violent and psychopath kinda show..jerry came in rather late...with his packet of food which contains fries, popcorn chicken and sth else i dunno..wahahha..not bad still got food..so later on went home liao..haiya i wanna buy more clothess....!
Oh yeah today went to school for econs onli..then slack ard in canteen..one reason why i bought the biscuits was to help me curb my craving for the school's chicken chop..so yea i didn eat and munched on those biscuits instead lahz..went home for a nice nap..ahhh so shiok..then later went to orchard wif crystal to meet some frens..b4 heading to arab street.hmmm tat place was uber dark and a lil creepy..hahha..i was damn hungry and it kinda contributed to my mood also. a hungry person is angry. yeah..oh well, tasted those potato wedges and its yummy!! heheh..hear them talk talk while i smell the shee sha smoke..very sweet. then i feel very tired also..yawns!*

`i jus had to realise time jus had to pass like tt, how cruel.
Hmm..this week passed rather fast..swoosh its friday tml...yay!! for the past dunno how many years of school life, weekends have always been sth i've been lookin forward to. time to joy, time to shop, time to have fun...everything tt we call enjoyment. oh well, today waited a whole day jus for my env sci tut...did my test on mangroves, how lame is tt. b4 tt slack ard like a dead snail in biz park. watched ppl come and go. earlier on had stats lect and then halfway rush to choose my cds for next sem. i dun tink i will get jap..geez..cos everyone seems to have already signed up b4 i did..so, lets pray i get sth best for me, and quite slack. i hate to have crampy timetables, no time to relax and chill. i really damn it. but then, let's jus wait in the meantime! for the 1st time in my whole life, i stepped into bedok reservoir. yeah greattt...~ quiet and serene, but also filled with cigg smoke. okok..bought my teddy graham biscuits again and alot of my frens complained it looks like dog food. saddd. wahahah but its really nice with tt honey smell..so i dun care if its for dog anot.

`It stands alone recently..