erm...many things hv happened...wut shld i say? or how shld i put it? damn. why shld i bother wif sum one who dun even noe my age when we were together. why why why. it jus shows he's sum1 not worth my time n i noe. but i cant help myself. quite sad when he told me tt. he's gonna be away soon... dunno wut to say also..kinda attracted to his giggles. but anyway life's still goin on fine. ytd went out with the guys, wanted to watch rollypolly..but then tix are out! so sorry!! i din mean to..oh btw i bought a tee..looks comic and its 40 bucks.haah..i also got a free jacket outta nowhere..yea lol. slacked in cafe cartel at ps..ate the yummy waffle b4 walkin abit and going home..yawns.i wanna buy more tees!
Geez.reach home ard 12pm jus now..ytd all of us was out at marina steamboat celebrating our dearest crystal's 18th bday!! happy bday!! wahaha..b4 tt, went to queensway and orchard with nancy,des,drk..we all chipped in money with the rest of the peepz and bought a chocolate gateau cake for her..well it was very delicious anyway..trusted brand called bengawan solo. met up with jinhui,jennifer and angie plus john..when we reach there, jerry and crystal was already waiting there..wahahah how surprising jerry was quite early..normally he'd be late..okok to the steamboat, i tink i kinda lost in my own world of soup drinking..i din notice anything funny except some rather obvious jokes. took many pictures!! yeah great!hahah..i love my camera.the soup was rather tasty, so cant help it rite...then they talk alot of bullshit which i didn paid attention due to the soup i was infatuated with..WAHAHAHA. okok sth's been rather funny but ooh anyway its a freakin secret lahz. wahahahahah its damn fun when u alone noe sth and others dunno..and then u laugh urself even though ppl tot u are mad. wahahahahhah. okkayyss. stayed at nancy's hse and we really talked alot abt men and how sick some are,how pathetic i am, **aheM** and many more lah until we jus went bonkers, giggled, really laughed out loud and dozed off...watched meteor jus shows how bored we were..i like stayovers! yeah then remembered my com got worm, so i asked my fren for help..yeah i tink its alrite now since he's my comp doctor...haha..erm, here's out to all of my frens who are taking their results today. Gd luck fer ur results!!!

`isolation momentum from the mortal world.
today went sch do proj discussion.after tt ate with drk and kr b4 heading to weiming hse watch last samurai.damn nice show.i admire their courage and the way they fight so gloriously.the swords, scenery and all tt.very cool.tom cruise,nobutada,katsumoto,ujo,taka blah casts.later watch abit of south park and realise its a freakin interesting NFL.impressed i got 17 to 3. dinner then go home do proj.which is NOW. except proj, i tink i basically enjoy life like this.

`because they come to destroy what i have come to love.
ok..went to orchard again.walk ard with drk and frens and nancy and crystal later on.heard the strokes and totally nice.feel like buyin.then headed to cafe cartel with yy, drk and crystal in siglap.ate the waffle and potato wedges.yummy.again we laughed alot and took pictures.hahha..nice food anyways.ahhh.dun feel like bloggin.
sat alrite, went orchard with the usual usual i was quiet at 1st then later talk alot of crap which doesnt make sense at all.walked ard like idiots the whole street down orchard tryin to find a place to cafe cartel i was so tempted by the waffle.and then becos so late, i talk bullshit and didn feel like eating.nth much i can say here.
Last day of exams. acct can make it, pom cannot make it. studied in sdc and in the end fell aslp for an hr.too tired.went 85 for dinner with some new ppl.nv see b4.fried oyster omelette is great.why is this like tat.arghh.
heyy. today statistics was a shocker on 1st look, it made my heart skipped many many times faster. I stared at it for 10 mins, tryin to figure out how to do. but then, as i did my qns, i managed to sort them. and yes! i tink i noe how lahz..checked ans, pray they are correct man..mayb lose marks on careless mistakes. yea, i put in effort by coming so early to revise with crystal, everything shld be alrite eh? this is the 1st time i came so early cos normally exams i will still be slpin or reading at hme b4 i go sch. eh, quite nice try lahz. so here i am, finished memorising my mbs twice. dunno whether can make it anot tml. god bless me! pls make me remember those stuff i have to...yeah yeah thanks to everyone who wished me gd luck. and btw, same to all those havin exams too!

`3 days left.
Happy vday! yea ytd hang out with crystal and desmond in orchard for the loners' vday..hey, come to tink of tt, it was my 1st vday OUT. yea i really mean OUT, cos no ppl dated me in the past, i nv date anyone too. wahahaa... so i was determined to spend this yr's vday outside no matter what! saw many ppl selling roses and i kept whining why no one gives me..crystal got 68 red roses...wahahha..but anyway so sweet i got a cute black mug from crystal and a nicely wrapped fuschia pink rose from des after psychoing him...hahaha.. tat rose really caught my eye, bright and blooming lohz..but we bought a ferrero rocher stalk for him also..the concept of giving and receiving... ahaha..i enjoyed looking at couples on the streets becos i like it happening. hahah, walked ard aimlessly cos almost all movie tickets were sold out..yeap its nt bad afterall, at least this yr vday not lonely cos can spend with frens rite?!

`love is in their air.
oh alrite, jus came back from my grandpa's bday dinner..he's 80 this yr..haha..the food not bad ah...took some pictures, talk talk...then go home..b4 tt, i was in school alone.. couldnt stand the boredom so i went to look for drk and his frens to watch abit of the school concert thing..hahah actually, the singing wasn't tt gd. yeah man, after tt went to queensway with them for some shoe exhibition..lucky i brought a cam, otherwise i tink i miss out sth real gd. as usual, i can be spotted laughing like some crazy girl. but its nt my fault ok, cos some things they said were atrocious i cant stand it! hahah..later on headed to orchard. walk ard, talk talk...and quite entertaining to hear stupid things..okays, i did spend a happy friday the 13th rather than a lonely one...saw many ppl sellin roses! i wished i had one..

today school was very crowded. our open house was really hot, fun-filled, great, and jus fun!! there were many many tents and programmes going on..went to sch for POM jus to realise we came for attendance ONLY. then later went walking ard the school to check it out. music blasting, ppl talkin and shouting...chaotic like wut crystal said. then we walked ard pretending we were newbies goin for the openhse...jus to get tat goodie bag...they really tot we were but we confessed! hahha..we went to engine (quite bored), IT (also bored) and then we headed to design school. wow tat place if filled with ppl who dress very diff. hahah..saw a fren and asked him to bring us ard the school..saw very nice painted chairs! cool. yeah enjoyed myself alot. then went to canteen hang out with drk and his frens while crystal is busy with her things..later on we went to see the light years cast..randall tan looks jus nice, like a guy next door...rosalind very pretty..hahah her figure is good! then later went to help out jani with the brochures...hahah where the HELL is LT 17?! saw and met alot of new ppl...gddie!

`12 feb 2004. one of the best days of school life althou i still feel very lonely!!
i got an email abt zodiac and this is wut it says:

A slim woman who walks with confidence and pride. She has an egg shape facial structure, high and round forehead. She likes to look straight as if she is searching. She is not a pretentious type and will always say what she thinks. You will see Virgo woman walks fast. She will try her best to be perfect, to look perfect and to feel perfect even though there is no such perfection. She is very delicate of what and how she dress. She is bright and easily despaired with obstacles. She likes a smart guy who will be compatible with her, so if you are a rich dumb guy, you can forget about her right now. She is not a very possessive or jealous person for she expect respect from her love one. She does not like a part time lover, or a temporary mate. If she finds her dream man, she will not go away. If she does not like you, she will always keep a certain distant. Act proper and appropriate is her discipline. She does not like and can not stand bad languages, cursing words or phrase. She likes a gentleman who open the doors for her. She wants to feel protected and when a man taking care of her, she will feel like a complete woman. She memorizes everything about other people and about herself very well. She can really keep secret, you can trust her on this. She likes a refreshing and mild scent. She is very delicate in maintaining her beauty, so you could see she is seriously picking soap which match and most suit her skin. Do not comment her on this very picky habits, it is her happiness in working full time as a self beautifier. She is not an innocent angel for sometimes she can be as tough as steel. Even when she is easily despaired, she is not the type to cry over it. She is a shy type, so making speech in front of the room can make her nervous even she walks and talks confidently. She only search for true love , not just any love. Her love is an ideal one. She likes to think no one is neater and as effective as her, which can irritate you sometimes for there is no such thing. She likes sweet talk, but she can slip and say something unpredictable and unbearable to you too. When she stops getting mad, she will totally forget what she just said and be an angel again. If you have a date with her , you'd better be there on time. Flowers and sweet word can calm her down. If you want to say sorry , make it brief and straight forward. Do not drag your apologetic words into a long making it up events, it could lead you to another world war. She likes her man to dress nice and clean. She is good in details especially with money. Do not make she thinks that she is a clown or funny. In the beginning of knowing her, please try not to glance at other pretty woman so much. Early period of dating her, try not to hold her so much in public, it would not be a proper thing to do. Criticism woman is her icon including big and small things in life starting from your hair, your dress , and the way you talk.
i noticed some ppl giggle whenever i walk past them...sigh wutever, mustn be anything gd...studied in sch with crystal and drk. ended up eating, studying and eating and talking..later tot wanted to celebrate zhijun's bday..we called everyone and guess wut? we miss out the bday guy. later they went home so me and crystal had to wait for tat "superstar des". we went bedok to eat stingray and the meatball noodles. YUMMY. the balachan stingray was really nice!! hot and spicy! then we talked abt american idol..blah blah..basically din tok much cos i was enjoying the food..hehe after tat went home with crystal..on the bus journey we talked and laughed alot..really funny when we were personifying shit. wahahaha.

`Food, glorious food!
Oh my heart can't carry much more
It's really, really aching and soar
My heart don't care anymore
I really can't bear more
My hands don't work like before
I shiver and I scrape at your door
My heart can't carry much more

But you couldn't care less
Could you
Your face don't look like before
It's really not like yours anymore
Your eyes don't like me no more
They quiver and they shift to the floor
My heart don't beat like before
It's never been this lone
No my blood don't flow anymore

And you couldn't care less
Could you
Could we stop and sleep for a spare
We can turn this stitch into a ware
And send that old devil back to hell
But we don't care do we

Baby let's stop and sleep for a spare
We can turn this stitch into a ware
And send that old devil back to hell
Your back's not straight like before
You really shouldn't care in me no more
I'm much too heavy for you
I'm really quite a mess, yes
We just don't care anymore
We're cricket and were cut to the core
We're just not there anymore
But we really don't care do we
No, we couldn't care less
We couldn't care less
Could we?

- The Cardigans - couldn't care less

Guys Like That You're Sensitive

And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way

You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to

Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets

No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships!

oh yeah, last thing for today:
to drk's uncle, wish his operation is a success and may god bless him, everything shall be alrite and smooth.
to my family, god bless us too, this yr shall be filled with peace and happiness.
to all my frens out there, find a partner for vday!
hmm..i forgot to bring my disk to lab jus now. i skipped accts lect, went to marcus hse with crystal, chris and joey.. his hse really got new year mood and its rather spacious..high storey summore so if u lose money u can try jumping. i didn really gamble, but they did.. i was watching this show abt vampires, very lame and funny... played abit of mahjong, walked ard and doing nth but watchin tv. wahaha..then later got a quiz for cds.. haha me and xinyi kinda cheated..later on went to 401 meet crystal for dinenr....went to walk in punggol park b4 heading back home to do my tut work..

`i love rock.
tis is gonna be a rather long blog cos many things happen today..its bad though. first thing is today was meant to be a bday celebration for my its supposed to be a happy occasion..and then later some1 called to inform tat my mum's uncle died of lung sad can it be? he smoked his life away...and when he recovered, some virus infected the lungs. nonetheless we decided to go ahead with the we took a bus to tamp, when we stood up preparing for alighting, this dumbass cyclist dashed across the road..the bus brake suddenly the 1st to fly forward was my poor mum, then edmund and me. it really hurts back and my butt!! my mum knocked her head i wonder if its serious cos she refused to go for head scan. god bless us. my sis and dad nth happen cos they were still small boy had his 3 teeth knocked off..the police came and asked some qns.. in my head everything was glittering white like stars, i felt like vomitting and i cudn't breathe quite normally...i was jus staring at nowhere, i was really really afraid tat i wud jus blackout cos i had a hard time tryin to breathe.i felt like fainting.well well so the police asked if we needed any ambulance and took down particulars and things..sounds like a sec sch compo, its nt. later on, we took a cab down to upper east coast for the dinner..hope my mum doesnt have anything serious with her. after tt i went to meet des, jinhui, his gf, jerry at tamp to slack ard...

`traumatised. WAHAHA.