status: bumming around

gosh, i'm currently very unemployed. so almost everyday i'm bumming ard, watching suspense-filled hk drama The Brink of Law for the past few days and im done with it already. full of twists but i dislike the ending becos gd guy ron ng died! reminds me of the story i read in pri sch, "good people die young". sheesh.

anyway ppl, beware of falling trees! they kill. so now besides looking left and right, look up too :) wahaha. jus now nancy and i were so excited talking abt hk trip!! cant wait for july to come soon... lalala. and we were talking abt the new F4's name called jvkv or sth.. then it appears to us sounding like KLJW aka ka lan jiao wei. wut a weird name. i rather they stick to F4 instead. so cheesy!

'i need a job please!!

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