Here i am on a boring saturday. was supposed to go out for mother's day dinner but jus as i got ready to go, i get a fuckin stomachache. geez. tt got me really pissed off and tired at the same time. what a shit, literally.

hv u ever wondered sometimes maybe even the friends dun care for u as much as u think they would be. its like love, and u're struggling to make the love go and come together, balanced. when u get a partner, somehow whether fren care for u anot isn't as prioritized as before, becos who u are truly desiring the care from is right there. everyone is so damn bloody egoistic and self-centred. so in conclusion, u shldn't care too much for the ppl u care abt but who doesn't care for u, or as much. or maybe in the first place, u're just a pot calling a kettle black?

`i hate pain

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