fresh new look for bummers like me. all along its been black black and still black. now i'm feelin a little summer mood, so here it is! for my exams, i jus hope can pass all and hopefully my gpa doesnt drop alot.. after exams i was rushing to watch the sassy girl chun hyang and i managed to finish watching all 16 epi in 3 days. tts great and the show was damn nice and funny!! the girl is VERY pretty. sigh sigh. anyway been tryin to look for jobs for the past 2 days and its really getting on my nerves becos i need money!! jenn and me like super sian... haha.. wah anyway jenn n hui jus came back from jpn and their buys are like alot! now how i wish i can go jpn next yr if possible. bahaha.. guess its time to read 1001 ways to earn big bucks.

so jenn helped me to get the MM spice powder and frozen splash eyes and hp bling blings! yay! sian man.. if i can go, i cfm will go chiong VW and tsumori and porter bag provided i hv money lol... their VW makeup counter is so nice!

and one good news is i will be goin HK this july with NANCY!! finally after so many years of besties, we can go overseas together!! shiok shiok gonna chiong shopping in 4 days, hope we hv enuff time though haha.. i will wake up early i promise!

but i need a job first.

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