today went to sch to meet darling after his exams.. print out the itinerary and borrowed jerry's cam for the hk trip.. wahahaha.. ate our fave (xinyi and mine) sliced fish noodle soup and drank watermelon milk.. its very nice oh! played ard with the cam awhile wahahha its good.. wish i got one too.. then later darling came down.. miss each other alot!!! sat with his frens.. got to noe a few new frens.. haha.. then go eat steamboat after walking in town... piggie pig likes to bully me and tell his frens abt my 'mishaps' in the kitchen... oh man.. BURN~~~ ok aniway we ate alot of meat and i drank alot of soups.. enjoy breaking the eggs! oh yeah the prawns are live so i throw one into the soup to test its reaction.. Poor prawn it jumped abit before turning red... our hands got splattered with oil quite often.. hahha.. somebody shld invent sth... the hotdogs weren't tt nice as Valley Chef's.. haha.. the meat is very nice with their seasoning... yummy! the fried dumplings good also.. hmm.. we took some pictures at the mrt station before leaving.. hahaha nice! i was quite happy altho pissed off a few times by darling.. heeh.. i love u.

`Zhen Fa Huo Hai Xian, Fatt ya!
went out with nancy to town on sunday.. shopping but nth catches my eye... sigh abit sian.. both of us were very excited abt our trips! wahahha.. yeap i cant wait also.. buy toiletries, pack luggage, goin to the airport, taking pics!! hee.. walk ard in suntec and bugis also... wow alot of new beauty shops there.. i bought nail polish and mask.. i was so tempted to buy the lipgloss for 10 bucks.. almost the same as the estee lauder one.. haah good substitute for value. ok gonna get tt one soon. bought rubber ice cream for darling's bears.. whahahah they are cute! if we got money we will buy the whole set of rubber food. wahaha..

then later going home on the bus, we were talking abt funny things.. i'm reading Adrian Mole by sue townsend recently.. din read it during sec sch cos its abit pervertic. din accept tt last time. wahahah.. but now its ok ah.. funny guy and his life.. the way he demeans the ppl. then nancy and me were talking abt many things.. wahahhahaha.. hee quite rubbish but made the journey more fun.. haha.. had a good time anyway.. =D

`A. Mole
exams are finally over... tired and brain dead.. 1st day of exams was club and resort.. terrible man.. i forgot to do one qn, as usual. it always happen that i either forgot to do 1 or i do extra 1. why can't i be more discerning and ssmarter!! gruesome. I knew i had to do 3 qn yet in my mind it kept ringing: 2, 2, and still 2. geez. i study so much yet hardly of them came out.. if i noe i dun hv to waste time and money printing those damn notes (tribute to the teachers again). so we hav all learn to study lesser for Travel and leisure. literally the subject is leisure..

soo met up with nancy to study again.. hahaha.. hee i'm quite happy travel is easier to memorise and faster also.. then went to lab trying to study but in the end i was surfing net and feeling sleepy.. go home for a sleep. and started revising again. So! on the day of the exams....

feelin abit more confident than club's. go in feeling fine but came out feeling dead. during the exam, i was struggling with mind and body. wahahahha.. felt very sick halfway, giddy stomachache and weak.. maybe becos i din eat much for breakfast.. shit. i was shivering very badly, so my handwriting was very ugly when my normal ones already are. luckily i remembered most of the stuff and quickly wrote them out.. took a break every 5 mins. how terrible. i was fidgeting like mad, ppl mayb think i'm psychotic in the classroom. huff puff i went out to the toilet hand dryer and drank a cup of hot milo downstairs... went home to slp.

`freedom is back!
studied in school awhile with nancy and janis. wow i spend few hrs printing notes again. how crazy. during dinner, darling and me went to Tm to take pictures.. i dunno hw to use tt dumb machine. then later to De En to eat zhu chao.. hahah we ordered fried youtiao, sambal kangkong, spicy n sour soup and black pepper beef!! oh man, they taste soo good!! wahahha esp my fave beef! very yummy and delicious.. heee. then later on ate the 4 scoops of strawberry ice-cream in Cafe Cartel.. wow, its making us puke if we eat animore of it.. wahahha.. so full.

1 year isn't long isn't short. Endless quarrels, crazy things, eating and still eating, going out together, laughing, talking crap, studying, watching dvds, stayovers, shopping, choosing clothes together, movies and still counting.. it is alot to take. my very first over the year togetherness. hmm. yes we had fun and also anger but i certainly hope we are gonna last, to be with each other till old.. i dare not think far, jus to take this one at a time now.. all right, it's time to studyyyyyyy la!

`happy anniversary to you darling :)
Yoohoo its study week and i have not study for the past few days.. will be printing alot alot of notes becos the lazy teachers refuse to supply us with extra notes. Wut we are doing is detrimental to the society and environment, u teachers jus dun get it. Printing papers waste paper and OUR MONEY! i had to top up 10 bucks for my cashcard u noe. jus to print stacks of notes which i dunno will be of any USE. but jus to make me feel safer. sigh. studying in the canteen is quite nice, got food and the environment is gd. wahahhaa.. feelin damn lazy and had a very very terrible cramp. this is bullshit. i hope i can control myself till exams are all over. ok its getting more stress as i see there's more and more notes to revise. OH MY GOD!~
a very happy and sweet day... hmm finally all projs gone.. but still left commskills meeting.. we were thinking so hard and tired abt the roleplay until damn tired.. then darling came past where we were so he waited for me to go rent dvds AGAIN! wahahah... we been watching dvds for the past week, kill time.. so with a 360 deg change of speed, we hurry up finish the roleplay dialogue and went off to siglap..

accompany him to go extend his passport expiry date for the trip.. safra is a recreational club. wahahah.. so hot cos i was wearing the formal clothing for the roleplay which sucks. it was so unfair for our group.. selfish ppl who jus take wut they wan and throw the rest away for the remaining groups. they shld die early. anyway we went to ate Macdonald's and went home!

`boy oh boy i'm blown away
yeah, can relax myself this weekend cos there's nth much to do already.. stay over at darling's hse watch dvds and eating snacks.. we are going to be very very fat. but, nvm lah.. wahaha.. i really like spending time together like tt, we give ourselves full attention, can talk at nite till we doze off, watching movie and eating... a very wonderful and lovely feeling.

we went to travel agents with friends to check out the prices for HK trip.. oh man its the trade fair in canton and the hotel prices are soo expensive.. we decided to save some budget for hotel and spend it on shopping instead.. sigh there's so many things on my mind i'm scared will happen.. sad and angry... one day will i be alone again, will love leave me, blah blah... shhh...

i am very excited for the trip... cant wait to pack luggage and stuff!! gonna be very fun in
the airport, slack in the passengers check-in area... the airport is sooooo nice!!! can eat and walk.. wahahha.. cant wait to SHOP!!!! the best thing abt hk is the nightlife we dun have here.. oh man!! hehehe.. the preparation b4 the trip is the best things in going for a holiday... YEAH!~~~

`love be stronger..
Hmm finally finished all the projects... hope we did well after so much hardwork and sacrifices. yeah... Presentation went quite well for marcom, i din realise i was smiling.. but anyway i tot i was crapping becos i onli realised wut i am presenting on tt very day.. lucky managed to pull through.. must pull up my marcom cos i got C for my test.. quite sad.. hmm now left onli commskills meeting roleplay... i think it's quite boring.

Million dollar baby wasnt so great at the start but its best when maggie was beaten by tt cheat boxer.. its quite a pity, in the end she ask the coach to let her die... it's like she doesnt wanna hang on animore living life like this.. forgotten wut movies we watch also.. too many.. wahahhaa.. sigh life is bad when we quarrel.. seems neverending.. dunno why.. for girls, we always wanna communicate and talk things out.. but for guys, they dun really think the same way we do.. its hard. can cry. though at the end everything is fine again, i still do feel tired.. so, its sth i have to try, to have a bigger fat heart. Bop, bop, bop......

`really happy that projs are ENDING!~