went out to bugis on tues with darling, drk and kr. hmm i feel like buying many things like tees, mini care bears and suddenly i feel like reading books again... i'll see how la.. sungei road was as usual many ah peks and uncles selling their things.. its my 2nd time there i tink.. then ytd celebrated desmond's bday at swensen's. met angie and crystal for a walk first.. the food is not bad... i wan potato wedges but no more!! heheh miss arab street's one... so nice with the sauce ok!! had lots of fun eating the food, but the ice cream wasn't tt great becos its too sweet.. Ring-a-ding-a-ling. wahahah!! afterwards after much wasting of time and talking, we decided to play pool at monstercue.. so long nv play already, abt 10 mths... hahah.. darling and me played!!! heheh.. first time we play pool together.. our skills NOT BAD oh!! lalala~ play awhile we go home already... yeappieEEE

`kuai le shi guang
its almost 3 weeks of holidays. been goin out almost everyday, except some days which i really jus feel like stayin home.. got back results, quite disappointed i din put in as much effort as i could, but still quite happy.. wonder how's timetable gonna be like next sem. i'm still hoping things go my way... i spend alot on food and i got not much cash left now!! i'm still lookin for a job. looks like 24 hrs a day is REALLY not enuf lahz.. boring, its the same old thing tt we do, i jus wish for sth fresh tt i can do or go to.... hahha.. i've got so many places i wanna go, but.. aiyah i dunno lah. jus irks me alot of things.. terrible. now i feel like taking chao yuan kuai che to somewhere else so i can relax my mind during the journey..

many things are unstoppable.. jus like u cant eat but look at the egg prices went up 7 times. 2046, altho i din really get it at first, but there's sth abt the show.. no one really noes where they are heading for, neither do I. mayb everyone's is self-centred to a certain extent, cos now i am feeling like nobody cares abt wut i am doing animore. and tt includes u u u and u. and still, its becos everyone's busy with their own stuff.. tt nobody bothers much. when will u ever be free? i still dunno.

i cant wait for the festive mood to come, i love xmas and new year celebrations every year with my friends.. hohoho. miss those days playin pool at parkway with the group!! becos it was really fun u noe.. arrgghh! those were one of my happiest days. we are so innocent and fun-loving. hahhaa... so nice!

`ni hui bu hui hao yi dian?
Exams over already! the last mktg paper was spot-on.. hahah the tips was very gd. hmm been goin out the past few days and worked on the weekends for banquet shit.. nt bad ah everyone except for the captain he's so manipulative and idiotic dogface. earn 66 bucks! dunno whether shld i continue working there... ytd went chinablack with the girls.. it can be boring it can be fun. starting it was fun but then later, i sian already.. drank cranberry vodka at 1st, then later keep drinkin fruit punch cos it was so nice. hooooho. free anyway. the clubbers there some wore like they cant wait to burst naked... buffalos. cant stand those men who go clubs jus to hook girls, bad guys to stay clear of becos they got pretty much nth gd in them and shallow u can see their intentions quite clearly. the most attention grabbing thing was the 2 girls crystal says they look like losers or was it posers? haha.. ahh drinkin fruit punch was enjoyable while i was thinkin abt darling most of the time wahahha... yay! can go collect my pay soon and enjoy my weekends together oh!!

`its holidays time!!!
2 papers over. Its a relief although i get the feeling i wun be doin quite well this time round.. OHHHh man it has been so goddamn tough to focus and tryin to memorise every word of those seemingly neverending notes..... sigh i noe i cant but i still hope for sth good of cos! partly due to the diminishing braincells of 18 yrs of education and too many distractions in me.. hmmph! i jus wish it can ALL be over with the snap of fingers.. bahhhhhhhh~ i got many many questions, many many doubts, i can onli say shit them.. (It's oh so quiet) been holding back, to reach out once and again when its all like a mirage we see on the roads on hot days.. and then i return empty handed, oh well, maybe with a basket of fruits from the mart :o during this time, i ask myself often, whether is it really there, by my side always, no matter what.. but haha forget it i'd rather dun care and be happy now becos i'm so exhausted, terrible and sour... anyway i tink i can take a backseat soon after exams, relax and yearn for a sunshine! back in my superultimately boring life...start planning for the hols! :0 i love my toys oh!!

`I finally found someone