Celebrated my 21st
but like any other day, its kinda boring.
not like i wanna make it a hooha out of it, just wanna keep it low and filled with warmth.
first with the girls. they are the best, no seconds! thanks for being there and the "hardships" u girls went thru to get my presents cos i noe i'm very choosy. ooh ks, a big hearty THANK YOU!
then with the group, minus jenn hui and drk, which is very saddening cos no them no fun! also thanks to everybody for the presents and also to jenn for nice wrapping and trips down to buy the stuff! :) really appreciate it.
din take many photos anyway cant really be bothered lahhh. marriott's buffet dinner was nice, though variety was not as much as i tot. but i supposed tts the thing with buffet now, unless u wanna compromise quality for variety which i'd rather not. their cakes were superb!!
lastly with the family. collect collect bahaha
`get over with it
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