ever asked urself: are u significant or do u make a difference ?

when u have no idea, that's where it makes a difference. becos people are more often than not don't make u feel that way, not a tiny weenie bit, for what u have done for them.

for all the hard work u've put in, the love u sacrificed for the so-called forever, the blood u bled and "dried up" later, is getting nowhere. just when u have wept ur very last, nobody noes.

the anger u contained in urself, for receiving all this shit u weren't supposed to be getting, the privileges u abnegated, u question urself why are u doing all these. do we really have to face up to the fact that we have choices in life or that life is beyond our control at all?

we ain't rational all the time. we get hurt. we get tired of life and its misery.

but no i'm not tired yet. i noe i hv to do something, sad to say i dunno how, but all i noe is i wanna get out of this place and experience something new!!! :))))

`urgh i miss my eyelash extensions!!!!!

i tell u i'm damn suay this yr, i wanna buy the raffles choco truffle flavor one its sold out many places. then no choice get marriott, and after tt i went taka they say got stock for raffles one. idiotic can!

fell sick on sat with high fever still gotta go all the way to tamp library to borrow books for my employee mgmt module. really felt like dying. plus on thurs nancy and i went to california fitness to spend 2 fucking hours listening to sales talk abt the plan and only got down to exercising at about 8plus nearing 9. i havent even try out their facilities and u expect me to sign some plans?! crazy shit. i'm not some gullible old woman eh hello! how persistent and FUCKING irritating. but at least managed to burn some insignificant calories.

back to sat, shopped ard orchard with my family, which is like damn long since we did tt. i've always missed the younger times we always go out on weekends to places like parkway, cycling, orchard and many other trips ard sg.

then ytd had project meeting with my groupmates from 10 till 6. really damn tiring ahhh halfway thru i alrd spacing out and reading Glamour. geez. we had steamboat buffet at M hotel after all the tiring discussions. hmm the seafood is very fresh and i kept eating the inoki mushrooms. variety wasn't alot but still its ok! there were also cakes and icecream. my main aim for buffet is always desserts. YUM YUM.

head down to wcp for some lantern fun but we din buy any so began scouting ard for it in holland v. bahah damn tiring ah! in the end we jus give up and picked lanterns off the roads. the playground with the swinging thing damn fun ah! settled down at the far end of the park near the sea and started burning the stuff. and telling horror stories. cant believe we spent more than 12 hrs together. haha. then snapped loads of ugly pics of ourselves. but i'm too lazy to load them up here, its all in facebook :)

`stop short at holidays
TWO-ONE: 21st

Celebrated my 21st

but like any other day, its kinda boring.

not like i wanna make it a hooha out of it, just wanna keep it low and filled with warmth.

first with the girls. they are the best, no seconds! thanks for being there and the "hardships" u girls went thru to get my presents cos i noe i'm very choosy. ooh ks, a big hearty THANK YOU!

then with the group, minus jenn hui and drk, which is very saddening cos no them no fun! also thanks to everybody for the presents and also to jenn for nice wrapping and trips down to buy the stuff! :) really appreciate it.

din take many photos anyway cant really be bothered lahhh. marriott's buffet dinner was nice, though variety was not as much as i tot. but i supposed tts the thing with buffet now, unless u wanna compromise quality for variety which i'd rather not. their cakes were superb!!

lastly with the family. collect collect bahaha

`get over with it
WE'RE SO overdue..

so blue, but we can't help it
From really nonsensical acts..

to our better selves.


heyyy. it's been a long while. was quite busy with school stuff recently and thinking hard on the bday stuff. so in the end i choose to celebrate it separately cos it will be easier for me too. Jenn and Hui is in the land of OZ now, i'm so envious! wonder wut stuff they will bring back from there lol.. i hope they can find the gingerbread man soft toy. bahaha.. i've been lemming for it since dunno when.

sch's been more fun this sem with the group, we're always talkin & laughing so much. life in sch wud be soooo boring w/o them. REAL perks. but wut i detest most is the tutorials and my mini ppt on thurs. feeling really dreadful right now cos i'm afraid i'll jus screw up at the most critical moment. u noe things start whirling ard, hands trembling and then if i lose my train of thoughts, basically u can see the changed look on my face: fucked up.

and then it comes to a conclusion that life really kinda goes downhill without a proper bf. now my biggest wish of the millenium (though its long over) will be to find a love/companion. very corny but yes! i'd rather pepper my life with endless bickers and sweet talks than to live it the quiet peaceful way it is now. but of course tt doesnt mean i'm jus gonna be with anyone who's there u see. occasionally i'll still miss the boy very much even if he doesn't come first to my mind now whenever i'm in distress. tats a great leap forward i guess, after so long. anyway its just memories lahh.

ohh yeah i will be going for eyelash extension this coming tues, i really really hope it will turn out nice! wah really saves all the trouble of piling on mascaras and then spend time removing it again at the end of the day. YIPPEE, it suddenly sounds like i've got something new to do.

'7 days more to go

i just dun like ppl who promise to do sth then later on "forget" about it becos they got sth more impt to do or nv even tell u so. i'm quite sick of all these thing especially when people say 1 thing and then do another. its so irritating, especially when frens do tat. always waste my time eh... if got other fucking priorities then just go ahead ah dun pretend to be nice and try to balance when all u're gonna do is to waste ur frens' time. it doesn't hurt to say no riteee... erhh but wut to do, friends only so i cannot complain too much.

i am a very nice girl.
