state of mind: filled with 150, 20, Price, Quantity and ....

i jus realised my exam papers aint today. its on tues! phew. imagine i made tt stupid long journey down jus to noe i'm here on the wrong day wrong time! not 1st time, this is the 2nd time i made such a mistake.. those o lvl days. bleah. i've been at home the whole damn week studying and this is so crazy! I still don't know how to solve my econs questions after much mugging and practising and practising. goodness~

no love to make, no love to share, so the only thing i turn to to make myself spiritually happy is to do some online shopping. well, i had no choice really. i am trapped at home, studying for exams, and my hands are itching. I'm glad to say i jus ordered a junkfood tee on friday balala! hope i can get it ard xmas period.. right now i'm putting the verona on hold first. hiakk. budget constraint ok! anyway ian thorpe is retiring at 24, probably has earned enough to support him for the whole life. he was my idol and i was crazy!!!!

`delirious dreams

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