4 lovely dwarves!

God, how time passes. One sem is almost over soon, with the exams round the corners at the end of the month till dec! boring and i cant wait to get over it soon. but whenever i tink that i have so much things to catch up with, the endless webcasts i am going to watch and my neck breaking. Bummer! This is wut happens when u taste sweetness in the beginning and now u're getting some bitter treatment for enjoyin first. Hurr. Anyway last sat was spent celebrating drk's bday. Went to cine for dinner at the chicago's steakhouse. the food was okok onli but quite filling. then later we went to acid bar to chill out with the guys. omg alley bar tat place is sooo damn nice and pretty! the lights and the shophouses looked so great and retrospective in some ways..

how sheepish HAHA

Few days ago, went to geylang for dim sum dinner and dou jiang you tiao. super yummy meal. as we walked down the streets, i'm reminded of those fun days eating there, minus the glares. Sigh~ everything jus has to be so OVER. and we headed to nancy's house to slack ard. i almost died looking at the pri and sec sch pictures, kinda corny but funny how much we all had changed since years ago.

`i am gonna work hard for my modules and try not to be so carelesssssss again!

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