sunday went flea market with darling.. bought 2 tofu blister packs and saw one set of winnie the pooh and friends figurines quite nice.. dunno buy or shldnt leh! so suay and blur today.. almost spoil the day, mayb yes.. haha.. i dunno why i'm so blur today.. caught fire when cooking, forgot to bring umbrella and hp... then to raffles watch the winnie phototaking thing, hahah so cute! too bad i din hv a camera at tt time! town to walk ard and meet darling's frens at party world.. ktv! din sing cos paiseh.. haha.. jus sit down and enjoy! ate brownie and chocolate cake and choco biscuits... i'm gonna be very very fat! but its delectable! wahahha... so shiok oh..!!!!

`to be with you, loving and forever..
i'm home alone again! my family went china jus today morning.. soo i mus do everything by myself and i'm very very lazy... woke up quite late and ate brunch ( breakfast cum lunch) haha.. there's really such a word ok! yeah so i watch tv cartoons and play comp all day long.. heheh darling and i love tofus! everybody wants to eat more Tofu Oyako CHOCO!! so cute and nice oh... watched SAW ytd, its really good and sick. its quite disturbing ah and the plot is one of the best i've ever seen, the movie is not dull at all.
wowwie~ ended my temp job sellin mp3 players on saturday.. the 2nd job in my whole life tt i can work more than 3 days.. wahahha.. overall ok lah, the supervisors really not perfect noe, each got their own weird personalities.. then sold quite a number of cheap ones.. cant wait to get my pay! then can start shopping and eating! heehe.. i finally bought the mickey mouse bag, at 1st i tot it was sold off.. there goes my 59 dollars. but i like it alot, the green is very nice... 2 weeks of holidays left for us, how??? holidays really great becos i can slp until afternoon.. hahha.. so many things i wanna buy.. but things like this we all noe are neverending one lah.. jus now went for basic theory lessons early in the morning with darling, 4 hrs ok.. then after tt went to bugis and town for the 1001th time of my life.. so tired now, feels like groggy...........

`the 3 grand essentials to happiness in life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for. (oinks_)
hell-o. had driving pract again on wed, sigh quite panicky again! the engine stalled for another few times.. wahahha.. i forgot to turn on signals when i'm turning, drove past the zebra crossing without stopping.. i'm a blur driver! die lah how?!! saw quite many sec schoolmates in cdc too.. i started work today selling mp3 players.. tis holidays i realise i suck at many things. like driving and selling things. i really dunno wut else i can say to persuade the customers. sigh gone money gone! i'll try to buck up.. nt bad ah the job, the boss is very gd.

ohh i like the olympus adverts alot! there's sth very close, very endearing abt it.. beautiful. and one of the songs was Mr Big's To Be With You. so nice!! cant wait for the job to end, so i can enjoy the last 2 weeks of my hols.. sigh. i still tink its very short.. not enough not enough! i wanna buy many things and play.. and sleep. here is:

Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I've seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you
Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

`i wish everyone is happy!
hmm, went to orchard again wahahha.. went there dunno how many times a week.. had my driving practical on thurs with darling.. wah really scary, becos i tink i am lousy at driving.. i dunno how to brake, and the worst part is i dare not accelerate much cos i'm scared... hahaha.. becos of me the car engine stalled quite a few times and brake quite hard until we jerked.. i tink the instructor quite terrified of the way i drive.. i'm so forgetful!! but i hope practice makes perfect.. watched shark tale ytd, its very gd and funny! wahaha, the underwater world they kinda relate it to the real world (eg mussel crowe, sushi shop).. there's some meaning in the show and its really funny.. very smart jokes. heheh lenny is cute.. the whole show's like very hip hop.. ahahahhaha. standing fishes.. oh yeah went to kembangan area to hv mee sua and soup! quite tasty! i like the pig's organs. very nice.. ahhh i love to sleep and eat!!!!

`wut the world needs now, is love, sweet love...