The last time i blogged was before i started work. this time, i'm almost into a month of work. so far so good. im still learning though, a little blur when i get sleepy. on the way to become a mocha-addict thanks to the beverage dispenser in my office pantry. but it really perks me up! colleagues are nice ppl too, work's ok (half standardised, half unexpected stuff), so at least there's some variations.. working here makes me love fridays cos of the tea reception before knock off time! the only thing i would expect from myself first is not to commit stupid mistakes or be blur... WAKE UP!

anyways, had our 5th month togetherness in feb.. all along i tot we were going to eat at 85.. who noes des actually had planned sth different! on the day itself when i was working, i got a msg from him telling me not to eat so full cos we'll be going to clark quay to have dinner!! aiyo so sweeetie pie. wahaha.. jus looking at brewerkz menu is enough to make me hungry. cant wait for work to end. hiak. we ordered the buffalo wings and seafood calzone and a beer each. very nice and filling! altho the buffalo wings were salty hee.. after the end of a busy day, chilling out with nice food and beer and music, and a love one is really satisfying. feels as though it's worth the day :)

for vday, we watched valkyrie at tamp with jenn and hui in the afternoon.. then head back to des house for dinner! he cooked crayfish in benedictine sauce, his specialty fried rice, broccoli with prawns and beansprouts too! hehe.. it was delicious! too bad i dunno wut i can cook and how yet.. probably shld start researching and cook sth for him.. got my 1st pay alrd.. but gonna save for many things!

`a new beginning?

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