
Happy Chinese New Year!

Wow.. quite some time has passed since my last post.. tts probably cos, i've been busy looking for jobs or going interviews, bumming around in the mundane world. everyday i sit myself in front of the comp and search for new job postings, waiting for phone calls, reading up companies before going for interviews.. guess i mus have acquired some skills like bragging abt myself and persevering with "no-news" news. i need a job and money and experience. but the good news to follow is tt, i've found a job already :)

gonna start work next monday.. i think its considered very lucky of me to still be able to find a job in a big co paying above my expectations, with a job scope i think i really like, and a wonderful location and.. hopefully very nice colleagues! i dunno if i'm being too hopeful but to see it in another way is tt its abt keeping the positivity in me. nonetheless, i'm very thankful for the job, and for the ppl who hv faith in me, and giving me encouragement along the way.

AND the new year's always so packed with family gatherings and stuff. we are also very much into the traditional past-time of the season: mahjong! sad to say, i won and lost. so now i'm left with 0 winnings. boo~ hmmm i love the food, goodies tt is a must for the cny period. foresee some pounds piling up myself.. but, its only once a year!

went to holiday inn for buffet with my family and des ytd after signing the contract.. they had a 1-for-1 promo.. but i can only say the food variety is very little.. i kinda had a shock.. wonder if its cos the promo, tt we're getting only wut we paid for or probably below.. but i expected much better from the hotel.. oh well... hahah at least the food quality wasn't bad.

quite excited to start my job, but yet a little jittery too. hmmm think its normal? gotta go shop for some work clothes tml with des, else i will have nth nice to wear on the first day... i tink its a good sign to wear nice clothes, feel good abt it on the first day. GREAT START, perhaps. teehee. i havent start work yet i'm already calculating my monthly budget for expenses (on travel, food, holidays, allowance for parents, 1st pay treat, clothes) and target savings.. gee. pls dun scold me hahaahahha.

`as i'm typing this post, i love you!

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