Finally the exams are over! this time round gonna die like shittttt lah!! gonna pull down my gpa... sigh. Nonetheless, it's like i finally reclaimed my life back from the hands of the school. it feels like it's been so long since i get this kinda "look forward to tml" feel. Even right before the exams, i have already started planning wut to do after that and here goes:

1) Go shopping!
2) Watch scv, movies, dvd dramas
3) Learn some cooking or baking cakes
4) Exercise get rid of flabs
5) Earn money
5) Pack my stuff from the trips (yes i'm tt lazy)
6) Club
7) Play mahjong
8) Sing ktv
9) Read books and go the kino/NLB
10) Play ard with adobe photoshop
11) Get a new blogskin
12) meet up with friends
13) Sleep till damn late
14) Slack n BUM ard
15) Hopefully go HK!!!

YIPPEEE + i jus bought a river island top from the sale and f21 plain loop earrings. geez.

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