it's march! can't believe 1/4 of the 2007 is gone already.. geez. anyway been busy watching hana kimi and then developing temporary raves about the characters in the drama. they are all super funny and i like them! sigh, i regret making sooo many careless mistakes in macro econs paper, now is cfm die already.. i hope for ecomm i will do better!!

went town with nancy today, talking and then we cannot believe some guys nowadays dun use their common sense or at least have some streak of maturity in them. very lame indeed. and then before tt i went to candy empire in vivo and bought the candy chocolate marshmellow, its like a roll of marshmellow wrapped with milk chocolate. TOTEMO OISHII! ~ i also bought rocky road chocolate brownie from brownie factory. suppose it's the choco craving workin up and i havent ate them for such a long time. oh well. no harm! hehe.

`chocolat je'taime

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