ALOHA people!! Now this is some time of the year we all get really busyyy with projects, filing taxes (not for me though), bumming around, etc etc. Super busy with tutorials, hk tvb drama marathon, chewing on daim's choco caramel, watching TMNT, 300, half nelson (literally HALF) and slacking ard on weekends! sigh but my grades seem to be plummeting like dunno wut this sem, jitao demoralised. PLAY TOO MUCH ah!

Next month's gonna be my final exams already + nancy's bday + jenn's bday + start of holidays at end of april!! then in may, gonna go club with ah nan and crystal. go work in the summer hols, save up enuff cash to go HK with my sis (nancy still PENDING~). then in my mind rolls out all the places i wanna go to: bkk, japan, australia, usa, korea!! of cos i basically think of travelling around the world but money is the big deal, honey.

i tink abt the summer hols, it kinda make me wanna jus relax at home, watch dvds, eat n sleep.. but then everytime the money sign pops up, i get really motivated. bahaha. jus hope i can find a nice good company to work in for 2 mths first.. school's not as hectic as past sem cos there's MUCH lesser proj meetings nowadays. teehee. time really passes fast.

met up with nan and crys tat day. it was really great talking and gossipping about life and its shit. terribly funny. then we were whining about love and stuff. it dawned on me the fact that i haven't sob for like a very very long time. in the past, anything about the past love would have my tears all welled up and i would be tryin to keep calm and shut up cos i dun wanna talk abt it. but now, perhaps too much tears and emotions i've to let go of and over time, i am numbed. its not that i have totally forgotten abt that love i cling so hard on, it's not that i have erased all the memories. trust me, they are still so vivid till now: how the hands of love feel like exactly, ur smile, etc etc. however, i just cannot find a reason why they dun work me up now. it may be good, but somehow, i hate the thought that it signals to me love aint the most impt one in my life anymore. no matter how much it's etched into my mind.

`somebody left your heart in the cold

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