(click to enlarge, it's really beeeaauutiful !!)

okinawa churaumi aquarium

another day gone ...

it's a rainy day today, and as usual, it's the day to start dreaming a little. decide to take a short break first before continuing my project stuff tml.

here goes:

i wish i could go to HK for an internship or exchange programme ...

i wish somebody could pay me money to travel or shop for them ...

i wish i had endless supply of Ms (money supply) da da da

i wish i had a bf to go overseas with blahhhh

i wish i can bum around and do nothing

i wish the trip to HK would surface soon

i wish i was like a nomad, travelling around places like USA, OZ etc etc

i wish i can hold ur hand and we'll be nomads together (BAHAHA)

`i wish my dreams will come true !
ALOHA people!! Now this is some time of the year we all get really busyyy with projects, filing taxes (not for me though), bumming around, etc etc. Super busy with tutorials, hk tvb drama marathon, chewing on daim's choco caramel, watching TMNT, 300, half nelson (literally HALF) and slacking ard on weekends! sigh but my grades seem to be plummeting like dunno wut this sem, jitao demoralised. PLAY TOO MUCH ah!

Next month's gonna be my final exams already + nancy's bday + jenn's bday + start of holidays at end of april!! then in may, gonna go club with ah nan and crystal. go work in the summer hols, save up enuff cash to go HK with my sis (nancy still PENDING~). then in my mind rolls out all the places i wanna go to: bkk, japan, australia, usa, korea!! of cos i basically think of travelling around the world but money is the big deal, honey.

i tink abt the summer hols, it kinda make me wanna jus relax at home, watch dvds, eat n sleep.. but then everytime the money sign pops up, i get really motivated. bahaha. jus hope i can find a nice good company to work in for 2 mths first.. school's not as hectic as past sem cos there's MUCH lesser proj meetings nowadays. teehee. time really passes fast.

met up with nan and crys tat day. it was really great talking and gossipping about life and its shit. terribly funny. then we were whining about love and stuff. it dawned on me the fact that i haven't sob for like a very very long time. in the past, anything about the past love would have my tears all welled up and i would be tryin to keep calm and shut up cos i dun wanna talk abt it. but now, perhaps too much tears and emotions i've to let go of and over time, i am numbed. its not that i have totally forgotten abt that love i cling so hard on, it's not that i have erased all the memories. trust me, they are still so vivid till now: how the hands of love feel like exactly, ur smile, etc etc. however, i just cannot find a reason why they dun work me up now. it may be good, but somehow, i hate the thought that it signals to me love aint the most impt one in my life anymore. no matter how much it's etched into my mind.

`somebody left your heart in the cold

ok, i want somebody to love, to hug on cold rainy days, to share my life with and to.. bring the best out of what love has in store for us.

terms & conditions: only dogs may apply.
the clinic, just to chill out after dinner at din tai fung. clark quay has changed so much, i forgot mos took over the place where we used to go on sundays for flea market, love. *silent sighs*

beauty without the soul, it was missing

the places we would pass by ..

Pei dan cuk was super yummyyyyy :))))

1/2 of the frenzy started and plus a wholesome mango pudding!

After the war ...

Had dim sum at Red Star with jennifer and des today! super shiok cos we can go out for dim sum on a weekday afternoon, feels like HEAVEN! imagine we can go eat high tea, do manicure, go shopping etc every week... bahaha.. wow, its been long since i've been here the last time round. we reached there abt 2.30pm and their session was supposed to end at 3.. sian.. ok so we ordered alot of stuff and i seemed to miss out sth else.. couldn't think of it until we ate finish that is was the beloved EGG TARTS! goshhhhh. later on i went to scout ard for the belt accessories but can't find nice n cheap ones.. so we head on to town and walk and slack ard.... one free friday gone.

`am i freed yet?
it's march! can't believe 1/4 of the 2007 is gone already.. geez. anyway been busy watching hana kimi and then developing temporary raves about the characters in the drama. they are all super funny and i like them! sigh, i regret making sooo many careless mistakes in macro econs paper, now is cfm die already.. i hope for ecomm i will do better!!

went town with nancy today, talking and then we cannot believe some guys nowadays dun use their common sense or at least have some streak of maturity in them. very lame indeed. and then before tt i went to candy empire in vivo and bought the candy chocolate marshmellow, its like a roll of marshmellow wrapped with milk chocolate. TOTEMO OISHII! ~ i also bought rocky road chocolate brownie from brownie factory. suppose it's the choco craving workin up and i havent ate them for such a long time. oh well. no harm! hehe.

`chocolat je'taime
it's been long. CNY is gonna be over soon, wonder if all of us had a great time. i definitely did cos of mahjong and the yummy snacks! all the anticipation, the fun and the shopping for clothes were all gone in a flash.. in the hearts of others, this day may not be significant enough to make an impact. but i guess for my family, we believe in this tradition and celebrate it happily.. hope its sustainable haha..

jus had my 2 midterm tests this week, i dunno if its karma or my memory failing me, but i realise i havent been able to remb my stuff as well as before and make alot of careless mistakes.. wish me good luck!!! SIGH. maybe its time to take some gingko nuts wahahha. sigh die ah i tink i wun do very well for the papers also.. anyway a week ago, while spring cleaning for the new year, i unpacked loads of capsule toys we used to turn and i found out tt there's still SOOOO many tt i havent displayed out. gosh. so i took like more than 1 day trying to wash the dusty toys and sorting them out in the display shelf.. tadaaa~ they all look so cute. will post a pic of them soon!

day 1: visiting
day 2: ktv, eating, mahjong
day 3: watching tv, mahjong at aunt's place
day 4, 5, 6 and so on: watching tv when i'm supposed to revise my midterm

part of the collection~~ ololaydeeee

at zhijun's belated bday at Vilage

zhijun treated us at vilage, which was almost like marche. the food was still all right, guess the best i had was the potato rosti with the cheese hunter sausage and egg. and the soft shell crab and.... the drinks! the prawn bisque was er not nice cos of the wine smell in it and it was soo exp! sigh kinda regretted not trying out the desserts haha..

part 2: its been raining lately, the sounds of the splattering rain still calms my mind, it feels so much nicer to sleep listening to those sounds.. somehow it became my part-time lullaby.

`Happy Chinese New Year