BUDDY's day out to town & he's turning 2 this feb! BUDDY = Love-a-lot

It's not like everyday that we get to meet our fancies. It's not like saying love is easy. Love, is like a colouring pencil. perhaps one day it gives u creamy sweet pastels perhaps one day it paints the canvas black like hell. what u might have realised then, can actually make u fall deeper in love or get yikey about it. its the journey we partake, it is along the process of learning more about you and me that we get hurt and weep, it is the times we will knowingly hold our hands tight and give strength, and it is at the tired end of the day that we will still be loving each other.

Now u noe wut is so bloody boring about my life and its missing piece.

Well well, we will be going back to TP for the open house and for the FOOD!! I hope we can chiong my fave yu pian mee fen and then hop down to MENSA for the western stall! YUMMY. I miss TP so much!!!

`Hello tomorrow~

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