state of mind: filled with 150, 20, Price, Quantity and ....

i jus realised my exam papers aint today. its on tues! phew. imagine i made tt stupid long journey down jus to noe i'm here on the wrong day wrong time! not 1st time, this is the 2nd time i made such a mistake.. those o lvl days. bleah. i've been at home the whole damn week studying and this is so crazy! I still don't know how to solve my econs questions after much mugging and practising and practising. goodness~

no love to make, no love to share, so the only thing i turn to to make myself spiritually happy is to do some online shopping. well, i had no choice really. i am trapped at home, studying for exams, and my hands are itching. I'm glad to say i jus ordered a junkfood tee on friday balala! hope i can get it ard xmas period.. right now i'm putting the verona on hold first. hiakk. budget constraint ok! anyway ian thorpe is retiring at 24, probably has earned enough to support him for the whole life. he was my idol and i was crazy!!!!

`delirious dreams
The Psychiatric Hotline

Hello. Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline.
If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly.
If you are co-dependent, ask someone to press 2 for you.
If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5, and 6.
If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transferred to the mother ship.
If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Please stay on the line until we can trace the call.
If you are schizophrenic, please listen carefully until the voices tell you which number to press.
If you are borderline, it doesn't matter which number you press-- no one will answer.
If you are manic-depressive, please press 7 as fast as you can for the next 24 hours, and then crash for the following 24 hours.
If you have bipolar affective disorder, please leave a message after the beep and before the beep and after the beep.
If you have low self-esteem, please hang up. All operators are too busy to talk to you.
If you are dyslexic, press 9696969696969696.
If you have ADD, wander away from the phone and start another task.
If you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, please fidget with the pound key until a representative comes on the line.
If you suffer from social phobia, please hang up and go to a party.
If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, telephone, and mother's maiden name.
If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, s-l-o-w-l-y & c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y press 0 0 0.
If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

Thank you for calling the Psychiatric Hotline
lucky 18?

i've many grouses recently. sometimes it jus irritates me when:

1) the bus is like a freezer (BC not considerate enough)
2) the bus is so slow-moving (i don't noe why)
3) a feeder bus has such a long waiting interval (dun make sense either)

price rises and the service standard is not making much improvement either. a freaking feeder bus takes an even longer time to arrive than other less regular buses!! those people behind me in the queue were also complaining why its taking so long to arrive. now, isn't it not too late to start improving please? the poor old folks standing there for so long in the aircon interchange, carrying so many stuff, and the bus doesnt come any sooner. and soon ENOUGH next year, GST is increasing to 7% and footshopping is increasing the birks prices too. SIGH. but luckily most of the time now we're doing online shopping and save us some costs. geez.

H&M has some really gorgeous tops and dresses, and i love it so much! too bad they are only opening in hk and shanghai but not in sg. next year go hk mus visit and i hope they're already opened by then.

I totally love Ashley Simpson's wonderfully simple outfit here, and her balenciaga quilted bag!!!! and her hair! sometimes it makes me wish that we have 4 seasons down here, and then we can dress all sorts of stuff.

`why are u like tat?
4 lovely dwarves!

God, how time passes. One sem is almost over soon, with the exams round the corners at the end of the month till dec! boring and i cant wait to get over it soon. but whenever i tink that i have so much things to catch up with, the endless webcasts i am going to watch and my neck breaking. Bummer! This is wut happens when u taste sweetness in the beginning and now u're getting some bitter treatment for enjoyin first. Hurr. Anyway last sat was spent celebrating drk's bday. Went to cine for dinner at the chicago's steakhouse. the food was okok onli but quite filling. then later we went to acid bar to chill out with the guys. omg alley bar tat place is sooo damn nice and pretty! the lights and the shophouses looked so great and retrospective in some ways..

how sheepish HAHA

Few days ago, went to geylang for dim sum dinner and dou jiang you tiao. super yummy meal. as we walked down the streets, i'm reminded of those fun days eating there, minus the glares. Sigh~ everything jus has to be so OVER. and we headed to nancy's house to slack ard. i almost died looking at the pri and sec sch pictures, kinda corny but funny how much we all had changed since years ago.

`i am gonna work hard for my modules and try not to be so carelesssssss again!
Hey peeps. Its friday! Bought a zara fur jacket and sweater and topshop armwarmers and jogger pants!!! got long johns and gloves too. HAHA. ok it feels damn great.

Next, u mus really watch this video abt this indian NTU lecturer cos its damn bloody funny. WAHHAHA. he's damn cool abt it.

roses are red, violets are blue, the lesser ur hair, the sexier you get.

hear carefully abt wut he says. there's some jokes not so obvious hahhaha.

anyone still remember those primary or sec days? when we all had so much fun together, playing games, running ard, gossiping abt ppl, laughing at teachers and those ever-enjoyable field trips!! like i love to say, those were the days. we were all so innocent, less troubles, no much desires, jus living our days as it is.. no stress! except for o lvls. on wed, i had my marketing presentation. now i really think ah, i made a right choice going to poly. enuff said. after that i went to sci centre for this imax deep sea show and some exhibitions field trip. wow i din noe sci centre could be so fun!! there's alot of playthings for physics, human body, etc. its damn funnnnn exploring ard.. i feel like i went to some themepark eh. haha. but the imax show abt the sea was a little boring cos it wasnt as nice as i imagined the show would be. but the dome shape cinema was magnificent, its like damn fantasy when u sit in there, u feel like u wud be in for a good time. too bad my phone cam couldn't take a wide angle pic of the cool dome. barf!

Control room is damn cool

The film roll is DAMN BIG

The gallery of posters

Some shells

Note the pink one in the middle is my favorite! after the show, we went for some exhibitions and then here comes the inevitable part of the trip: to queue behind sec sch kids. somehow it feels funny cos we're in uni and those sec sch ppl look at us like we're idiots.. haha. ok nvm, the saying goes learning is a lifelong thing! then later, heavy rain came. its always my favorite thing to look out on the roads in a bus or car when its raining. i love doing tat. somehow, it makes me feel at peace, the splattering rainy sounds, and the cars zooming past. and i will think alot, reflecting abt the days tat had gone by, too fast.