Once again, a new blogskin! I guess black suits me more than anything else. Plus, i am fickle-minded sometimes regarding this kinda things. So, i jus go along with wut i feel like doing. It is kinda crazy sch seems so busy. I have a few but VERY taxing proj/assignments tat are due in the next 2 weeks. sigh, now i realise how easy life was in poly. if u tot poly was busy, then i'm sure u would hv problems coping in uni. tt is me! but right now, i'm trying my best to juggle my stuff, i hope things are gonna turn out okay. afterall i am adaptable! it will be OKAY~ jus tt i lose patience very easily over small things, so peeps pardon me if the way i talk is kinda rude..

feeling headache. haze is not doing us good, somehow i feel tat something shld be done rather than to let us breathe the smoke in rite! and then i imagined ppl walking with masks on their faces. imagine hello kitty, tofu, mickey mouse masks all surface on the market. i think i will get one. went to get my xiaomei spree grey jacket, it looks not bad except for some threads fraying from the buttons. overall i'm satisfied!

i last bought a pair of zara skinny jeans. NICE color and cutting, unlike topshop one which emphasized my big butt. currently into my 2nd week of non-shopping period, i feel quite lacking somewhere but well, all for my 16 days trip to china, and here comes saving time for my debts too. i'll be going with my family, i'm onli very excited abt shopping in shanghai and beijing. the scenery walking, will be just hanging ard looking at beautiful places, will still be good for my mind. hoho. i missed going there twice, cos at tt time, nth was more impt than being with the one i love, even in sg. so well, now i finally had the chance to go, i hope i can buy alot of things! and also get to see the world now.. i wanna go to many places, especially to europe or america. i wanna go to camden market, take the london eye, visit the Big Ben, take a walk down the streets in manhattan, go suntanning at their local beaches. how nice will it be! of cos i will also like to go to japan, look at their palaces and temples, to korea shopping districts and maybe get to see a TV star... OMG!

now i'm having second thoughts abt my course. i love business mods but somehow recently i keep thinking of a magazine job, like being able to write features and stuff. now i'm not sure if its relevant at all. but anyway, there isn't only one road in the world. lately its sorta getting numb, but i still feel sad occasionally, i still dream of love, and i still worry.. about many things.

`i believe i will stand up

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