when they say its recess week... they are in fact lying!

this is the first ever holiday and i'm going back to school almost every SINGLE day. and i tot there wun be many ppl, but crap, the canteen's crowd is like every normal sch day. PACKED with long queues. went back for econs tt day and its really funny when we ate pizzas in the lib.. well, my grp ppl are interesting and i feel we have quite a good mix of character and of cos talents. wahaha i'm saying this cos econs in uni makes me feel like an idiot. *cries*

and then today i had my fave grilled lemon fish fillet with chips, this is so fattening! its a kinda screwed up day for me and my mno groupmates. first, my digi video cam is really crap i've got nth to say, my bro took away my backup cam, leaving me hapless and crazy. second, all the nice meeting rms are booked and we can onli makeshift here and there. third, i'm acting the indian woman, becos i talk like one if i tried. ARGHHH! i wore that sari, which consolingly, was simple and nice enough for me. if not i could have banged the wall and died.

so we met at 10am and onli started filming at 4.30pm. before that we spent time taking pictures, finding an extra v-cam and booking the rooms. thank god at least everything began going smoothly. and the coffee session at spinelli. hoho. but by then, everyone was damn tired by the look of their sleepy faces.. we managed to finish filming the whole video and we're so happy! i'm very happy indeed to be part of this team, cos we are all very nice ppl and we dun have arguments. and we encourage!! now i'm going bonkers for 4 projs and i noe it sounds crazy if i say:

`I love my teammates for being the way they are!

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