I see you in my dreams. I remb the smallest details we've talked about. I cant control them anyway.

My 20th birthday with close frens, though i'm glad, but there's something missing. in retrospect, i missed my past birthdays. those special things we've done together. the first-time events. ok, as we move on in life, we're often reminded not to think back too much, but instead to put down the emotional baggage little by little.

Ok, so we had dinner in V8 movies cafe, the food was rather nice and well presented. I tried shirley temple which was not bad with the taste of 7up and something else. Haha. The omelette fantasy was superb, i'm gonna order it next time round.. Then we went home. Hmm now i can start to think of how to use the vouchers. Maybe on ettusais, or kino, or carebears at absolute comics, or in seiyu for paul and joe stuff. and topshop!! omg. i wonder if i can use it in daiso.. havent been to their new store at PS cos i'm so freaking busy!

Sometimes things jus doesnt go well, or u noe it kinda becomes screwed up. I hate to be forced, i have my principles and i wan face. yes i am materialistic at times, but i dun let it rule my life completely. what is real now? I am beginning to hate school as more and more work pile up, making me busy and stressed. I feel that i have so much to catch up with, i can hardly find time to slow down and take a peek behind the trees...

`why were u so late

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