school's finally over for us,

who's had enuff of all the late nights rush, and bitching.

accounting was a killer. i have NO confidence in it at all cos my answers didn't tally with the rest. law was ok, i hope i can do better. wore my new birkenstocks to school, felt so great in it cos it looks nice. i try to wear jeans often now becos it satisfies my need to be more "free-spirited" in my actions.

i am free now, very relaxed and cool. its like, being revived after being dead for how many years. trying to apply for uni, with the choices, curtin looks to give me the course that is exactly wut i want; accounting and marketing. but well, i still need time to tink over first. it's a lifetime decision!!

i saw this burberry handbag at dfs tt day. it costs like $560. it looks cute. it looks the way i love it to be.

and it looks like i cant afford it. :(

`i'm trying hard

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