Grrr jus finish my commskills 2 resume and cover letter!!! Its all abt bragging and english.. wahahah quite hard though.. nv really thot of my skills and stuff yet.. erh got alot of assignments to do, basically my subjects all PBL.. so i'll be quite busy... clearing up shit.. but i tink still can manage it right now.. stuck at online commskills, ass. gonna do it tml or wut.. my final exams onli got 2 subjects!! yay! i had driving lesson jus now, had some problem with braking jus in time.. the instructor is abit cranky...
Spent xmas with my family... got alot of food, ham, and presents! yeah.. talk here and there with my aunties... so tired then i went to slp for quite long... until night.. no matter how much i slp, i still feel tired!!! play with the kids and game of life... wahahha.. not bad quite idiotic.. hmm.. gonna get fat after eating so many chocolates........

`up and down
Yes it's Christmas today. Ytd i woke up early to bake cookies with xinyi. oh man, this is my 2nd time.. the cookies 1st round went black.. wahahah.. inexperienced ok.. hmm later on it became a lil better and nicer.. after everything, we went orchard together.. i met up with the guys first, cos they passing me presents!! i got piglet and winnie the pooh! hee thanks alot! while waiting for crystal and nur, i walk ard far east with des and ate 2 plates of chicken rice.. Yummy! wahaha feel like vomitting after 1 hr... exchange gifts with crys and nancy..wahaha we were picking lots.. i feel very bad cos crystal got the 2nd soap frm me again!! heheh..

went with them for dinner, walk abit then met up with darling.. wahahaha i feel so idiotic.. lalala~ i was so sad the past few days... i got bluffed leh! but wahahha, i got a bottle of saga seeds from him.. so touched and very happy!! it's the best, becos no amt of money can buy this present from you and also ur love... :D then we went to squeeze in the streets for like hours, so hot and white things falling from everywhere... we like very sian... maybe shld go out in a grp more fun.. but the rest in church.. too many ppl already, so we went to siglap cafe cartel b4 heading to jin hui's house.. haha then we sing while walking, i tink we can join Idol 2.. i sing pretty well u noe..... can reach HIGH notes like the phantom... YEAH

slack ard and eat pizza with the grp.. and drink beer.. hmm i still prefer tiger beer and those sweet alcohol.. then we talk and talk.. and laugh!! sigh, i dunno how it will be like for nye... dunno wut to do yet!

`Merry jingles
xmas xmas... every year it's something i been waiting for to arrive.. mayb to some its jus another occassion, to some its the season of giving and receiving, but i suppose during this period of time everyone starts getting emotional and have the feeling of being unloved and lonely, stuff like tt? well well, ever since carlsberg used the song "Can't take my eyes off you" in their 2002 xmas ad, i'm always reminded of xmas.. to me, the ad is successful in reminding the audience, sth abt mktg comm.. hmm..

ok back to the being lonely part, those years i admit i do feel lonely and stuff.. but i spend the eve with my best frens and its really fun staying out at nite jus chilling ard.. 2002, wahahha xmas eve with des and drk.. playing pool at parkway.. then hang ard at the petrol station eating biscuits and chatting till morning.. i tink i onli knew them for a few mths.. wahahh sorry drk i laugh at ur curls alot tt time.. hey but its really gd time rite!! with ME! then last year with the grp, crystal and joey they all.. hahah.. at boat quay and raffles mrt.. still quite fun ah.. sitting by the grasslandsssss.. nonetheless at tt time, i did felt lonely, bo bian.. hahah typical lah.. so this yr, how will it be? oink oink oinks* we still havent decide wut to do yet..

will be exchanging gifts with the girls.. mayb buying sth affordable for the grp also.. and also for darling... still havent tink of sth for all of them.. few days left.. arghh. quite sad actually but i cant do anithing.. mayb i'm always paranoid, selfish, demanding.. anyway, its jus me showing my moodswings again.. i'm going adidas for my project after sch with xinyi.. GONE GONE GONE!

`intentions, i see them clear
watched National Treasure with darling on saturday.. very nice show, somehow it reminds me of amazing race.. haha.. wanted to watch Shutter one.. but dun hv.. oh yeah i went bugis to buy winnie the pooh hp chain.. hehehe!! saw many chocolates on sale.. feel like buying them! everywhere is on sale, i wanna do my last min shopping.. got many things to buy.. yay!! hmm i wish sg can be BIGger, cos its getting plain going to the same place again and again... the fun is wearing out.. wahh its so crowded in town, i like! except the part where i hv to squeeze to walk past...

`i hate my shoe size.
cheerios!! my new blog design is done by weiming, so i tink i said it many times but Thank You! wahahha well u all noe i like these characters alot, esp piglet and winnie the pooh.. so this webby is very very nice!!! hmm, also got the xmas mood over here.. hehe.. so cute and well done i dun tink i can do it if it was me..

i went over darling's hse during the holidays and tt time play poker i lost all within 20 mins leh, watch placebo dvd which is quite gd, slack ard and watch movie at midnite in princess. wahha i like tt cinema cos very little ppl and we can anyhow sit and eat.. hehe.. very enjoying.. lalaala~ so fun and nice jus the both of us oh! =D turned quite alot of toy story, darling wans the aliens, i got hamm and tt dinosaur.. got frozone also, but i wan jack jack.. ahhaha..

sch has started for abt one week, projs are coming and the term is very short.. tt means we mus hand in them in abt 2 mths time.. i quite like my grpmates.. nice ppl.. wahahah.. our class had a problem in grouping today, well... they can do anithing they wan but jus dun ever separate our grp!! been rather bad mood this few days yeah and easily irritated.. normal! i'll be fine again.. today skip my lect for the first time in this sem.. hahaha.. cant wait for the holidays to come again...........

`wish wish upon the stars!