my bday is coming soon oh.. but i dun really feel much of the excitement. mayb its like for 17 years bday is jus bday, celebrate and end of story. i'm getting bored. hahha. but still, i will be celebrating with the usual groupie as always. aigh there're somethings i regret doing, some tt i regret i din, life with chances and so little time for everybody, hw to balance. i cant please everybody, i wished i cud be happier, and so does everybody. yeah. went back to sch today for a 15 min test, really waste my time noe.. if nt i can slp longer! watched sex and the city, not bad and funny. the wut qiang shi jie show also damn nice, esp the xiaosheng and his girl. ahhh bullshit! whahaha. but NICE ah cos they're so sweet together!! hmm. i feel bad somehow.. real sorry yeah.. u're still the best ppl ard!

`my dreams to realise

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