
btw, this is in chinese, go figure... my chinese a2 hor! but still lost to crystal. argh! wahaha well its mid-autumn festival. went to punggol park with crystal after my cds test. we were so happily waiting to eat orh chien, but it was closed!!! crappy. we had a nice long talk abt life abt men, abt ourselves.. the moon was kinda orangey yellow looming right in front of us and there were many kids, families walking ard with winnie the pooh lanterns! also got mini fireworks!! quite nice! too bad no tea and mooncakes! sigh both of us were lonely... i brought baby piglet and pooh out today by the pond. hahahah. miss touching them..

beautiful days beautiful nights,
wud they ever last longer,
than the dawn of light?

yes i thoroughly enjoyed myself with darling on saturday! crystal jade, movies, squeezed us dry. but i guess its sooo worth it. yeappie! so much happiness i feel, hard to say it out ok.. its been very great all these while, everyday. my best moments in life. yeah... but then again, good things nv last a lifetime.

`wut is it like, to feel like to be the saddest and yet the happiest one?
today din go sch and i stay at hme to complete my HRM. finally i'm done with it except for the mindmap, easy does it. haah.. went celebrating my belated bday with the groupie and tt includes crystal, nancy, des, drk, jinhui, jennifer, jerry and zhijun! shopped ard in tamp mall and played time crisis with crystal. ahh so long nv play had tt fun! later angie came and we went mad playin the putty thing. forgot! wahahha its so fun! hmm got a stussy racerback from the guys, thank u so much!! it's nice! we ate at chomp chomp, ahh the food is good! esp the oyster omelette ah... and the sugar cane. hmm. after tt slack ard at happy daze and we played lame games. special thanks to crystal! made us spent 1 hr plus cracking our brains, but i tink zhijun's had the worst time. wahahha. crystal and nancy bought me an apple pie cake thing yeah! thanks alot too girls! anyway i had fun oh!!!!!

`a BIG THANK YOU to everyone and also to darling, all of u who made my bday so sweet and nice.

Yay! Its my 18th bday!! Finally i feel tt bit of excitement and loads of happiness. HAHAHa. sorry but i cant help going gaga today. darling bought me a very nice bracelet with hearts! hee i was very surprised and blank.. again! oh well, i loved the moment he put it on for me.. so sweet! =D love u love u! and then i went mad..... keep laughing today because i'm so happy!! today jap lesson shigeta asked us abt bf and gf, so paiseh ok! but, its fine with me hohoho... jus wanna say thanks alot to those who wished me happy bday yeah.

`happy oh happy oh!*!*
my bday is coming soon oh.. but i dun really feel much of the excitement. mayb its like for 17 years bday is jus bday, celebrate and end of story. i'm getting bored. hahha. but still, i will be celebrating with the usual groupie as always. aigh there're somethings i regret doing, some tt i regret i din, life with chances and so little time for everybody, hw to balance. i cant please everybody, i wished i cud be happier, and so does everybody. yeah. went back to sch today for a 15 min test, really waste my time noe.. if nt i can slp longer! watched sex and the city, not bad and funny. the wut qiang shi jie show also damn nice, esp the xiaosheng and his girl. ahhh bullshit! whahaha. but NICE ah cos they're so sweet together!! hmm. i feel bad somehow.. real sorry yeah.. u're still the best ppl ard!

`my dreams to realise
Life can be like a rollercoaster ride or a Duckie Tour. i had my jap test ytd, so far shld be can pass.. after tt when to eat my favorite Ban Mee opp school, hahah but they got no eggs now!! i miss those days with eggs. taste nicer! went to lab with darling and frens.. i slack ard waiting for crystal and nancy so we can go orchard shopping! yeah walk ard the usual places.. later on we went to turn capsules hahahha! i got mickey mouse and flounder!! but my fave is still Piglet. i lost my bracelet on my way home... tis is the 2nd time, i'll nv find it again. wut to do? i'm so careless.. hahah. got warning letter for my mktg tut, but heck it since there's no tut animore... hmm. anyway we had some fun shopping. oh yeah stussy got some racerbacks which are rather nice.. BUT! no $$$. so hav to wait ah.. its like a one-sided thing u noe. u wan the thing, but the thing jus doesnt reach ur hands.. Hahah. once again, this world is bullshit, at times. jus like ME n my life

`i feel like laughing
i get dizzy easily and sleepy these days. I slp in the bus and whenever i wake up, i get dizzy. mayb its the stress. but ah, i dun tink so. cos compare me and other ppl, i really look as if i'm taking things very easy.. hmm exams are coming and it lasts for 3 days. heheh got breaks in between.. so gd! i cant wait for holidays to come! then i can slp until very very late everyday!! when will the NTH-to-do days come? there's so many things i hv to say and cant say. it's very hard for me to talk and nobody listens...

`If i ain't got you