sunday went to watch fireworks at esplanade, so many many ppl.. 5 mins, love the multiple shots part..yoo, so yeah the ndp fireworks was really great! nice n everything but i'm very sad. becos of miscommunication and i really dunno wut else more can i say being disappointed sometimes, me and darling cudnt watch the fireworks together...together!! it was really beautiful and we almost met up but halway thru it started already! argh. a lesson learnt..after tt we went geylang eat hokkien mee and rojak. charcoal fried noodles~! wahahah it was okok lah but the rojak was gd and crispy! saw alot of uncles hanging ard hahahha.. nt bad, it was interesting!

went alot of places with darling ytd..saw alot of new things! went hunting ard n exploring...hahaha lalala! had fun turning capsules cos very suay we got tinkerbelle for 4 times and 2 dalmatians...wahahhaha unlucky leh!! but nvm as long as we are happy rite?! so fun!~ if everyday is holiday!

`sweet sweet love love boo boo

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