It's TGIF again. i tink twice, maybe not. one week passed rather fast, seen my new classmates, okok ah, had tutorials boring like nth..esp otcm, the teacher was talkin so freakin slow and moronic nonsense. listenin to her can kill.. biz fin tut today was crappy, my tutor is a high-pitched male, funny but cynical, and good in explanation. got my money for sellin csa bk, but din get money for BA. shld hv gotten but becos i tot sth, din get it for 5 bucks. not mine then tts it ah. so yeah. got the whole set of winnie rocking horses thanks to darling!! they're such cute babies! i miss vietnam fried noodles again. arghh. mayb like wut des says, its a barrier of trust we have to cross. sumtimes it's hard, very. to place ur full trust on people. to some, tis is jus a way to protect themselves frm being hurt deeply in case it really does happens. i'm beginnin to like jap, the way i love english. HAAA. its so fun playin with words! nt bad nt bad..not as boring as the 1st time. alrite.

`I'm taking my own life with wine, it helps you to rule out the sorrow, it helps me to empty my mind

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