If nothing else i get to see you,
even if we never speak,
the harm of words is sometimes we dun
quite noe wut they really mean,
i dunno where,
i dunno how,
i dunno why,
but your love can make these things better

- these ordinary days
for u to ask to give, to receive and to payback, to forgive and forget. to climb up high and stitch ur promises, to go back down there and treat it like a broken cloth. to and fro, haste and chase, to succumb or to disbelieve... WORDS  

it's in ur hands. ur life either becomes a holiday or a chore u dread to complete. how dumb how imbeciles portray their characters on a banner too overpowering.. Hahaa. low-downs.. so yeah holidays are coming real soon, i'm planning alot of things tt i shld do. i miss late nights out and fun. lately, i guess i'm havin pms, i'm irritated easily, moodswings any moment. sighs. too much oestrogen. yippie.

`tugs and hugs!!!
Fri, Sat and Sun
the big event Baybeats 2004 at the esplanade was really nice! This the first time i ever been to a gig like this, the rock music was really gd to hear it LIVE, especially those by Love Me Butch, Buddhistson(indie rock!!), Surreal, Whence he came and Return to Fall... really eyeopening. lucky i went for all 3 days!!! shldn't be missed! yeah i admit there's alot of exotic ppl there esp the drummer & bassist from Buddhistson. somehow there's sth abt the way these ppl play music, very engrossing... the other bands was jus okok..and then ppl love to push ard in the pit, jus pushing.. hahah feel like joinin but! i'm a girl, i like abit of violence.. saw alot of ppl in weird costumes, hairstyles and the police was really idiotic. wahahah they kept walkin in out of the crowd.. wut a mess. overall, music was gd! learn alot of things, experience the NEVER. yeay mayb they shld hold more of this kinda events. i'm so happy!! =D Lalallala. gotta get back to projs again.. this comin sat i'm hving killer test. hmm i din regret coming to baybeats! altho my legs are lil pain now.. hahah
`i love booboo!!

jus finished doin my projs to be handed in this week. a very tired week, tryin to catch up on my lecture notes, highlighting and understanding them. i been skippin principles of mktg lect cos its too theoretical, and of cos, i can meet crystal and angie for lunch...thurs is my jap test. hmm treat it like a spelling test or sth ah, shld be can..and i nv like to study early cos i'm a last minute person, usually..tt explains why i forget most of the things after exams..the brain nv function perfectly. feel like going to the beach again, take the monorail, swim, suntan, and jus bask under the bright sunshine. when the seabreeze blows, u feel the beauty of a perfect day out..Haha. its always so hard to be together, u nv noe wut happens next, sumtimes u feel u hv been puttin in too much and begin to ask urself wut u do get in return, its time to relook becos u might hv misperceptions. its best to strike a balance,the same point to 2 hands to clap.it's nv a one-man show..hmm jrock, very good music but most of the bands are gone. tts life. i still remember I For You by luna sea and gd it sounded to me. ahh after hearin much abt Dir en grey, my fren finally send it to me. always remember i hv weird preferences.

`dir en grey - ain't afraid to die
so bored. everyday lessons jus end like tt.. got 2 projs up, i regret throwing away my POM and OB notes cos i really need them now! arghh! so idiotic. hahah i was so happy when i threw them away..now wut? heheh but seems my proj is fun. so yeah guess i'll like it better than last sem. lallala! bought a new bag! love it alot! =D alrite man i mus work hard this sem..yeeeaahh. too many good songs too gd..!

`drowning lessons
It's TGIF again. i tink twice, maybe not. one week passed rather fast, seen my new classmates, okok ah, had tutorials boring like nth..esp otcm, the teacher was talkin so freakin slow and moronic nonsense. listenin to her can kill.. biz fin tut today was crappy, my tutor is a high-pitched male, funny but cynical, and good in explanation. got my money for sellin csa bk, but din get money for BA. shld hv gotten but becos i tot sth, din get it for 5 bucks. not mine then tts it ah. so yeah. got the whole set of winnie rocking horses thanks to darling!! they're such cute babies! i miss vietnam fried noodles again. arghh. mayb like wut des says, its a barrier of trust we have to cross. sumtimes it's hard, very. to place ur full trust on people. to some, tis is jus a way to protect themselves frm being hurt deeply in case it really does happens. i'm beginnin to like jap, the way i love english. HAAA. its so fun playin with words! nt bad nt bad..not as boring as the 1st time. alrite.

`I'm taking my own life with wine, it helps you to rule out the sorrow, it helps me to empty my mind