yeah its fast. sentosa seems like an hr ago. i'm still feelin the heat. i tried to tan but it kinda failed cos onli my hands and cheeks were red. sigh. but anyway i had alot of fun ytd with the group. tt is crystal, jennifer, jinhui, nancy, drk, desmond, jerry, kr, zhijun and cindy. waited for the guys for one hr. really quite idiotic!! we played monkey in the sea, swim abit cos i din swim for 2 yrs...hee. i really love swimming!! suntan awhile, then play vball and captain's ball. i realise i dun hv much stamina cos i do those things awhile then my muscles ache! crystal says i'm like tofu..wahaha..the waves were great, we had fun being swept to shore! took sum pics and buried crystal in sand..she enjoyed it i guess..haha. hmm i still like to dip in the water!! so refreshing altho its very salty.. splash water on each other..laugh alot and enjoyed ourselves! hmm took monorail, i feel so gd cos its slow. finally a rest for us. after tat went 85 eat and went home so tired. alot of things went thru my mind tt day, too many wut ifs....stayed at hme today, supposed to go out but my whole body pain, got abit of sunburn here and there. i love the sleeping beanies cos i can put them beside me to sleep... they're jus so adorable and cute!

`it's hard being part of destiny's manipulation, u get tortured for a lifetime...

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