yes yes i got a few more tofus and tigger!! i also got a Beauty, she's so pretty!!! went to the Gacha gacha thing with darling again. wahahah so many ppl grabbing those capsules, abit sad din went earlier, but anyway we got good stuffs! =p i got my 925 already, love it alot. been waiting for it so long cos dun hv my size, i noe i'm fat ok! yeah so quite a few things happen, decided nt to bother abt those retards and dogs. waste of time and everything esp when they dunno anything abt me. thinkin abt those things they say, it's freakin funny when u noe it's nt true at all. we stand firm yeah. sch tml, yawns.

`jealous of not havin frens who are retards???
Yeaahh. had jap class ytd n today. hmm, its kinda boring, but i wudn't mind learning sth really new except tt i detested pronouncing the japanese words as they made me feel like i'm still so young..shy shy!!! our jap teacher looks so cheerful and robust like she's gona burst. like wut they say, japs are very enthusiastic abt the things they do. wahahha. wutever! had some really idiotic introduction...weird.sigh, biz finance is a high failure rate jus gotta slp lesser in lect like today..its so boring till i fell asleep within 10 mins. it's like econs and accts together ah, so yeah..anyway i will try my best to tackle it! hang ard in lab with nancy cos it seemed there's no otcm tut..nobody is there, too bad. had fun in lab cos i bid for piglet and i won it!!! hehehhe so happy and its soo cute!!! =p hmm many things begin to bother me again, u nv noe when i can shake them off twice. talk abt fears, they haunt. oh haha crys lemme do a quiz from her psycho bk, quite lame..but interesting....tml shall be shopping time!!!

`a new sentence: WATASHI WA COW DESU~
alrite my blog pic wasnt working, so i changed tt to this new one over here. erm, he's the pianist and drummer of x-japan, yoshiki. jus find him very very talented in the way he plays the piano. erh yeah school started on monday, seen the newbies in canteen. hahah not really pretty or gdlooking, jus average new students. remember how dumbo we looked last yr. yeah tts it. fresh and plain boring. saw alot of familiar faces in sch, some acted so disgustingly like cockroaches. Hahaha. ate chicken chop!! kinda missed it, and yet after savouring it halfway, i stop. tinkin twice, it doesnt really taste tt well..applies to life sumtimes, doesn't it. my otcm dunnid go lect, onli got e-lect and tut. oh well, i like my timetable now. not PACKED. lalala!

`I'll be waiting for u, here inside my heart
yeah its fast. sentosa seems like an hr ago. i'm still feelin the heat. i tried to tan but it kinda failed cos onli my hands and cheeks were red. sigh. but anyway i had alot of fun ytd with the group. tt is crystal, jennifer, jinhui, nancy, drk, desmond, jerry, kr, zhijun and cindy. waited for the guys for one hr. really quite idiotic!! we played monkey in the sea, swim abit cos i din swim for 2 yrs...hee. i really love swimming!! suntan awhile, then play vball and captain's ball. i realise i dun hv much stamina cos i do those things awhile then my muscles ache! crystal says i'm like tofu..wahaha..the waves were great, we had fun being swept to shore! took sum pics and buried crystal in sand..she enjoyed it i guess..haha. hmm i still like to dip in the water!! so refreshing altho its very salty.. splash water on each other..laugh alot and enjoyed ourselves! hmm took monorail, i feel so gd cos its slow. finally a rest for us. after tat went 85 eat and went home so tired. alot of things went thru my mind tt day, too many wut ifs....stayed at hme today, supposed to go out but my whole body pain, got abit of sunburn here and there. i love the sleeping beanies cos i can put them beside me to sleep... they're jus so adorable and cute!

`it's hard being part of destiny's manipulation, u get tortured for a lifetime...
one week left to new sch term..sigh! its sunday once again. ytd went serangoon gardens with crystal and angie to chill out and talk. wahahha the calamari with tartar sauce very nice!! yeah we enjoyed ourselves then later went to eat at chomp chomp. it's been so long since we hang out together. crystal makes a good cook..hahah. saturday went out with darling, drk, yilin, kr, and raymond. went to smoke seesha with them. yeah i like the apple one..can go home late cos my parents not in sg! wahahha. heheh i receive the eeyore rocking horse already!! so cute!!! suntec got the Gacha Gacha Gala exhi which started on 11..wasted i din go on the 1st day!! nvm i shall go tml see if i can go turn sth nice out!

everyday is the same! but it's quite alrite with me cos remember i got nice tv shows straight from 7pm to 11 plus. hahah in the day i'll be playing comp if i din go out..yeah i really like the channel 8 shows. VERY nice in a way it relates to the life in singapore and the way ppl live their life frugal or spendthrift, happy or sad, optimistic or pessimistic. a simple life i realise is the best and easiest to mine!! sometimes u wud feel better when u dun worry abt unnecessary things or try to predict wut will's a headache. mus take a break once awhile so jus be simple and happy!!

`Nian zhe ni mei yi ye, Li Bu Kai Ni
yeay!! finally changed my blogskin! hehhe. so sick now sigh so cant go anywhere. holidays left with a few weeks more so i've decided to make very good use of it. still thinking yeah?! lalala music always make my day. i wanna eat the meiji choc with grape inside...haha. hmm, i also want to shop!! lucky got gd shows almost every at 7, 9 and 10pm tts why i can watch when i'm at home.. yeeaaaahhh! ;p

`i wan somebody to share, share the rest of my life, share my innermost tots, noe my initmate details...
sick sick sick. i've got RASHES and sore throat! so yeah most likely i'll be stayin at home for the next few days...hahahaaaa. Boring. i'm packin my stuff to kill time, realise i got alot of crap. my pri sch library card, flintstones' phonecard and my name tag..heheh. alrite, i wanna SHOP!!! my parents goin genting soon, so yeah i'll be having freedom for 2 days...hiak hiak

`mary had a little lamb
So bored and sick. everyone's out but i've been staying at home for 3 days. i'm goin out later no matter wut! it's like i'm-all-alone days. Spongebob to the rescue!!
not unless u prove u're a many times better and nicer...HAHAHA...

Oh the first flush of youth was upon you when our eyes first met
And I knew that to you and into your life I had to get
I felt light-headed at the touch of this stranger's hand
An assault my defenses systematically failed to withstand

Cuz you came at a time
When the pursuit of one true love in which to fall
Was the be-all and end-all
Love is only a feeling
Drifting away
When I'm in your arms I start believing
It's here to stay
But love is only a feeling

The state of elation that this unison of hearts achieved
I had seen, I had touched, I had tasted and I truly believed

That the light of my life
Would tear a hole right through each cloud that scudded by
Just to beam on you and I

Love is only a feeling
Drifting away
When I'm in your arms I start believing
It's here to stay
But love is only a feeling
Anyway, anyway

Love is only a feeling
Drifting away
And we've got to stop ourselves believing
It's here to stay
Cuz love is only a feeling

`Because It ain't Sweet anymore