A Fool's Day

work is piling up alot these days, i can be sure i'm busy abt 98% of the time at work. altho i try to sneak a little lazy seconds once in awhile to check emails or des's smses. so impt becos i've always kept in mind love brings me further, which includes work too.

i'd probably be less efficient without it.

will be going to oasis's concert this sun! my first indoor concert actually.. abit excited but sian also cos next day's work!

of cos things are going smoothly currently, with occasional hiccups tt i'm still able to handle.. recently hit a bump but barely made it through, but it came as a lesson for me, to be more prudent and cautious especially when it is about money. glad to have des to listen, cos i was really feeling very down abt it.. tssk. but so glad its ok now!

had a gathering with dept weeks ago.. it was really good time spent talking, i dinnoe my boss is so funny wahaha.. giraffe's ok but its really quite expensive, even with the 1 for 1 alcohol promo.

watched coming soon and detroit metal city. felt both were quite nice!

`as i type i smell durians from outside

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