THE END of school life (or issit not, yet....)

finally exams are overrrrr! but still sighhhh. if i fail 1 mod, i will have to retake the mod next sem. not me wanting to harp on it, but more like preparing myself for the worst. quite sian to transit into working life, yet. went to aston at cathay for dinner with des, then walk ard ps before going home. so roughly for the past few weeks, we've done/gone:

1) window shopping in town
2) timbre, the live band's nice, and the pizza toooo.
3) wii-ing
4) movies e.g. body of lies, madagascar 2
5) hanging out at his place
6) dinners
7) gym
8) zouk flea
9) cooking crayfish pasta, led by chef des :)
10) nua-ing together
11) night trip to marina barrage
12) eating roti prata at jln kayu

tts roughly abt it! hmm, to keep myself occupied during this holidays, i can pack my room, plan wut to do, shop for xmas presents, bake stuff and spend moreeee time with dessss.

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