i am back after a 3-month hiatus. i do think blogging is quite lame sometimes. but sometimes it's not so lame when i need it. damn stupid. i feel damn stupid.

very busy sem for me, it's over i'm so glad! i had the worst exams of my life cos i made careless mistakes in my calculations, i noe how to do! but i jus was careless and panicky. very pek cek if u noe how it feels like. tts the worst thing tt can happen ah. i'm gonna dieeeee and probably fail the papers, unless i can get some sympathy marks hopefully.. haha now i really feel super duper stupid.

the last paper was still ok. cos it's mainly writing. think i'm not so good at numbers huh? makes me think if goin into finance is the biggest mistake in my life yet. so now i'm like stuck at the crossroad. either go forth and finish it this year or get another specialisation which takes me another 6 months. SIGH SIGH! i still got a few more months to tink abt it.

so now i'm gonna spend my days thinking how stupid i am, catching up on movies, finding jobs to prove i'm not that STU-PIG and packing my messy room. i'm looking forward to it!


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