good day everybody, except for me. been having very hard-to-sleep nights recently and its taking a toll on me. kind of. i wake up with a very short-circuit temper every morning, pouring cereals + milk and chomping on them, and stare at the comp for the rest of my days. literally wasting my time away.
so i met up with nancy and crystal for some hunting at city plaza. saw a few nice tops, unfortunately, i have no $$.. plus i jus bought a top from topshop days ago. i'm trying hard to manage my finances. hahah i've decided to earn money in future and get a financial planner to invest and grow my wealth.. bahaha but i'm still far from being employed yet.
the prices over at city plaza aint dirt cheap after scouting ard. so after like 2 hrs we got out of there and headed to town. then we were talking bullshit on the bus but it was fun! hahaha. we hardly get together on weekends, so this was really rare.. met up with the group later and had dinner at din tai fung.. the bill was perfect at $100. weeet. and then after dinner there was nth to do. yawns~~
sometimes i'm envious of ppl who hv better weekends than me. issit becos they have the money, or many frens, or wutever? OR maybe i am boring. urgh. i dunno how sg can get tops in the nightlife thingy really. besides clubbing and eating at nite, is THERE anything else we can do? we're not tourists! but sometimes i tink its inevitable cos afterall, there must be sth that we can do just tt its our choice, and perhaps nothing beats chilling at home. i look forward...

you are captured on screen

`one day u might know me better

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