while we were waiting.... & waiting...

kinda looks like we're overseas!
we were snapping away while the guys were so into the gatsby ringtone ....
at the cheesecake cafe ...
jenn's choco and mine's blueberry
damn niceeee eh!

went to Rapunsale at the loof on sat, but due to my very constrained budget, i just took a quick look at the stuff and stopped. if not i tell u, its the end of me. then we went to bugis for a walk before deciding to have dinner at the old airport road newly renovated hawker centre. there's like hordes of ppl queueing here and there. and very hot. i ordered the fish beehoon but it wasn't as nice as compass point one i find.. tasted the stingray quite nice! haha.. after tt we went to tanjong rhu to stroll ard and wait for the food to digestttt... our final stop at the cheesecake cafe in siglap! damn nice interior. jerry brought the dog along, so cuteee! especially when he tries to stand up and reach for the fork. bahahahha..

`more days like these

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