Ytd went out for dinner with some frens to cafe cartel..The stack of order-placing papers are free for us to use. In the end, jinhui wasted abt 6 papers..becos we cant make up wut we wanna eat.. Then nancy and me were laughing at some stupid things abt the menu and the papers.. my chicken meal was okok.. nancy's fish fillet was gd.. and the meat lovers' meal was weird becos it had pork, beef, and chicken if i'm nt wrong and the pork is a long long sausage...hahahha and i drank a chocomint slurp. i LOVE mint. at 1st wanna watch movie but some watch already so later walk all the way to orchard and then decided to play pool in parkway.. On the way there ah, i opened my presents.. wahahha the funniest thing ever happen..I got a nice bracelet from nancy, a sweet necklace from jin hui, a pair of roxy slippers with a simple drawing from des and a funny micropet cat frm jerry.. hahah i really love these presents and thanks again ok! The toycat make stupid meowings in the bus, and they were joking abt buying another one to erm make frens and reproduce many.. heheh.. went off abt 12 and then.. no buses left, had to take a cab...btw nancy came to my hse for a stayover! we talked abt our pri sch things and then we dozed off. its always nice to hav some1 who can talk with u so late and nv bother abt the time..

`Life's always great when it comes to birthdays.. cos i can hv presents!