Sweet September

ate at carousel high tea with the ladies in the family on monday. eh not bad ehhh better than mariott's high tea lo. asian food but nice ah, plus got chocolate fondue and cakesss. supposed to meet at suntec for marche with the girls, but it's shifted to vivo alrd so we went there instead. not tt i wanna say but it means i got chance to meet des since he's there too. haha.

sweetieeee managed to reach my place before clock strikes 12! wahaha. these little things you do! so sweet HAHA. we went to watch stepbrothers abit bo liao and cork lol.

met up again the next day for my bday with him. we cycled at ecp and tried to catch the sunset but it was hidden by the clouds zzz. but it's really nice anyway to just spend an afternoon together, taking pictures, talking about wut we wanna do and where to go for holidays! after tt we went back to bedok for dinner with his mum at chin lee's. quite nice!

`time is never enough


i have so many things to say! my birthday this year, is filled with love sweet love. from preparing everything so meticulously (even the door note!), cooking, to giving love ever-readily like a duracell pikachuuuu!!

so it turned out sat morning des drove me to sch for class, i ended up slping most of the time. after tt met des again to shop for grocery at carrefour! ok, we went back to his place to prepare the stuff while i did my work and slept.. feel kinda bad though that i din do much at all! so the group came and we all played wii and eat and talk rubbish. oh then came the birthday cake time, it's really cheesy but i still gotta say being with you is like a wish-come-true thing :) wahaha.

met up on sun again, to my grandma's place and to punggol park for the lantern fest!! met up with wei and his gf too. wah lao damn smoky but still quite pretty with all the burning candles and muted lights in the paper lanterns. and then i try to make it a point tt i shld have some candles for my future house or wedding! hahaha.

`from this moment, life has begun
1098 with <3

from the first day we've met till now, its almost 6 years. i will never forget #1986 and the boyNXdoor hahahhaha. sometimes i think about it, i'm glad to have been where i shld be and tt we stuck around until now.

it's only until some things happen that makes u realise u actually can't live normally without the special someone. the importance, baby! NUMERO UNO! now i just wanna sing From This Moment to YOUUUUUUU!

`right beside you is where i belong

hmm drk and jenn asked me for a wishlist today. please dun kill me, esp drk, becos i'm repeating wut i said and i noe u cannot take it! hahahha. pretty much nth else that i'm lemming for!

1) dang ran shi desmond lah!
2) the cow-wii fund
3) a notebook with everyone in it
4) a cake, hopefully sth fruity.
5) Ferragamo's incanto charms or heavens or... /Reds salon sea salt spray

that's all really.

`thank god i found you