how do i pick myself up?

working has taken a toll on me, my whole lifestyle had to change to accommodate the new one.. wonder why i'm still so hung up on u, issit becos i dun wanna move on or cos i still cant let go

it is so hard to say goodbye, so hard to kiss goodbye, so hard to say i miss u, so hard not to think or forget abt u, since the day u were gone... my life and hope has fallen to pit bottom, yes i did tried to pick myself up but there's always things that make me give up trying to let go..

Yeah everyone's sayin tat i shld jus move on blah blah. don't u all ever understand that once u love u dun let go of it? i also noe its a matter of whether i wanna do it or not. but seriously i don't and i noe i deserve to feel so depressed becos of this.