heya. its study week and i'm gonna study hard. but of cos play comes before work, tts why went shopping with nancy on fri. plaza singapura changed quite alot, esp with the new stores appearing one after another. we went shopping for shoes! ok i spotted the c&k birkenstock lookalike and another ball-y flats from p.o.a.. so wondering which one to buy now.. psst. i bought a polka dot roxy slipper! i love polka dots esp if its colorful. and i saw the dancing stitch! haha but 15 bucks le.. abit exp for a toy.. sigh..

sat met up with darling. went to maxwell area to find some shops, and walked quite sometime hahha.. we couldn't find the asylum.. before tat we pass by the scarlet hotel, wow tt hotel is like very classic and nostalgic kind! irresistably beautiful!! the shops in there are also very classy.. nice. then we walk a few round before we spot the asylum.. they got lots of books and cds and one fridge which we normally see in a cake shop but they use it to display shoes! hmm.. i saw a nara notebook its damn cute.. darling bought a bag and i bought meiji choco cafe.. wahaha.. later he brought me to an egg tart pastry shop which sells very crusty and yummy egg tartsssss~~~ so nice and big! then went to orchard.. wanted to watch 36 but the timing's not to our favour.. so we chose the maid.. it was nt bad with some scary parts.. the storyline comes with a twist.. but the people in the cinema spoilt the mood.. noisy and comments alot, talk on phone damn loud and the seats are damn squeezy.. lido 4 is not good! anyway, bought cup noodles and some snacks to his house to eat and stayover! watched old boy, its nice.. hahaha i am smart to guess the story~ ok its abt incest and revenge.. nice story and the way it is filmed is exceptional. now i noe why its r21.. i enjoy staying over cos it means more time together! and i'm really happy to go new places with u.

`its a peaceful wonderful lovely saturday.
hello.. i'm here again to recall. sometimes i really hate to blog, because i dun like to recall things tt are wayback especially to a computer and i dun blog often. But, the one reason i blog, is because i wan to keep my memories somewhere out here, since i dun keep a diary or wut.. I jus watched Perth and Land of the Dead. Well, they're not bad i quite like them. Perth is really Singaporean though there's alot of cursing and swearing in it.. Its funny esp the parts where Angry Boy Lee appeared. He is violent and curses alot in a funny way and i like his character cos i tink he's jus a nice guy afterall. i dun like harry cos he's very abusive (goes hysteric when he's drunk) and i feel he's a chauvinist stuck in the olden days with his dreams of going to Perth. Somehow i feel that the whole Perth thing is some kind of illusion that he tinks its real (although he's really going there in the movie, which he also din in the end cos he went to hell instead) Selva is an indian but talks with a malay slang i tink.. wahaha.. anyway its a massacre. Land of the dead is very gory to me although darling dun tink it is. Esp when the hand is torn into 2 and when the zombie bit and pulled off the belly ring of one victim! Yucks. I find it nice bah cos i like this kind of action-pack and scary movies. haha.. bedok princess is a nice place actually cos we can change seats and rest our legs! and its CHEAP!

i'm very happy old Ronald's Twister fries are back cos i love it alot since new year. i wonder if they stole the recipe from A&W's curly fries; they taste abt the same. it will be great if they come up with some nice and cheap waffle ice-creams. HIAK HIAK. food makes me excited besides meeting up with darling every once a week! sigh. i really enjoy ur company and i love being with u. Past few weeks we've been watching fireworks, sorry to drag u there even when u're tired... the one on national day was the best cos its really right in front of us and we can see 3 sides of fireworks!! lucky we din walk away!! b4 that we also saw the army vehicles all that, those guys were really full of antics. damn funny. so many ppl but i like the mood! wahaha so patriotic. the carnival was ok lah not much stuff. went with usual ppl the day before national day to watch the countdown fireworks, yeap it was good too despite running up sheare's bridge panting and perspiring so disgustingly. ate porridge at chinatown and off home again! oh yeah i am in love with old chang kee's curry puffs, so hot and yummy!!!

Ok back to my life. Projects are finally over and i am very tired but also relaxed rite now.. but projs really suck i dun tink will score well this sem again. SIGHHHH. i am so sad. please grant me my wish ah!! Exams start on the 3rd Sept and end on 9th. WOOHOO. can't wait to get this all done with. after that i will take a small lil break before the stupid sip begins. one thing good is the money and i can get to noe more ppl, maybe learn a few tricks wutsoever. haha.. other than that, its HORRIBLE!!! have to wake up early, get tired very easily, worst is if i'm the loner there. ARGGGh. yeah project superstar is really nonsensical. how can the results be like tt!!

ytd met crystal and went orchard together.. wahaha talk some crap again on the train i realise we are so full of rubbish! walk ard and ate chicken rice at far east.. lalala then she went home.. later met darling for movie and dinner. went to cineleisure to turn the toys.. thanks to him i got wut i wanted (jackjack) and a few more extra woodies. wahahahhaaha u noe if u tink getting those woodies were extreme bad luck, then how abt getting an empty capsule? wahahaha when he turn and got an empty one, i cant stop laughing ok it was sooo funny!! dun be sad ok, luck has ups and downs sometime! heeheheheheh.. today is my grandma's bday. went to meet darling for movie again before i went to my aunt's house.. wahaha sang ktv and play pool.. quite fun! ok i'm tired. see u again. does anyone noe i like bright and colourful colours? wahaha..

`Happy birthday to my ah ma!!
Heya. Its been one month again. I am very busy with projects, deadlines and deadlines. When issit going to END! Years of struggle, years of chasing after time (although u nv can catchup with it), so long. Oh yes darling and me shared money to buy tofu son plush and its really really cute with its sprawled-on-the-floor look. Watched crash and mindhunters recently, both are extremely good movies. Crash: racism that crashes. Mindhunters: a who's-the-murderer kind of movie. Thought-provoking movies. Crash sort of reaches deep into ur mind, leaves u thinking. It is a fact that such racial discrimination do happen. Mindhunters really nice especially the method of killing and i keep thinking who was actually the real murderer. There's a small twist near the end. The scriptwriter really has good brains to come up with such a wonderful plot. I just like.

Went home late on sat after movie.. we ate at 85 with the usual ppl. Nice hanging ard and eating my favorite Bak Chor Mee. Yummy! and so darling drove me back again. haha. Very tiring days followed. Sunday midnight, i was rushing ss mgmt journal and portfolio till 5am. How horrid. then Mon had to study for 2 tests. and then today i took the test onli to find out that the computer screwed up and i HAVE to go down specially to take it again. I hope the questions are roughly the same. we can hardly trust the computer sometimes, it breaks down when u need it, not like tissues. Issit Kleenex? Hmm. Got addicted to selling stuff online, i'm really very eager and happy that i managed to sell off those extra toys. Money rolling in!
