i'm so bored! darling has started attachment.. seriously i spend my holidays sleeping and watching tv... din really go shopping much.. tv shows are getting better with scv cos they're fresh and nv seen b4.. i been thinking abt wut to do at home... surfing for moomin toys and re-ment. omg they are damn nice and have intricate designs!!!~ looks so real-life the re-ment food.. HEHE. these toys are very popular in hk and taiwan.. singapore i dunno le, try to search to buy but very hard... i feel like buying from overseas... GRRR. my next aim will be scouring for TOYS!! they make me happy. anyone up for it?!!!

love is... the excitement, the passion, the constant reverberance. it is a pain in exchange for occasional happiness.. what is love that seems diminished, to the ones who keep it going, to the hearts that keep on breaking, to the ones who were ignorant? who pines day and night for ur love, the acts of kindness or concern nor pity to carry on till the supposedly forever but nv resurfaced once again.. the promises have sunk to bottom, the love has gone, missing it was a leaf from the past.. finally the one who perseveres, is the one who truly loves u and dissipate all ur misgivings.. leave them lonely and u'll be like sorry-woo...

`my literature is horrible...
Hey hey... after coming back to singapore, i feel very bored already.. i really miss HK alot, it's been a wonderful trip and i certainly will wanna go there again.. the shopping are endless, unlike back here and the shops open till 11pm while fastfood restaurants till 1am like tt.. GOSH where do u get THAT here?! I guess its the culture, the hongkies are really nocturnals.. Yes we hv it here but it is not alot to the percentage tt will cause shops to open till late night.. hmm i like it that cinemas are open till midnight daily! hahaha..

But anyway this is my home, it is beautiful and safe so far.. HK is a novelty that i will always remember and visit again.. its sth over there that here doesnt hv that makes going overseas fun.. so far since i've returned, i din went shopping in town until today.. quite bored and toy shops make things fresher! i saw new tofu set today: it's a bigger tofu and a smaller one linked together with a chain (the kind tt hooks onto gloomy bear).. OMG its so cute ok!!! but the whole set costs $78... i dun hv tis kind of money to spend on... wahaha..

few days ago, i met up with dear nancy to chat and show her the things i bought.. wahaha.. i'm glad she likes the bday present! we talked abt many things and ate kfc.. i love kfc chicken wings and whipped potato!! so tasty.. both of us felt bored of town or shopping after coming back from overseas.. hahaha... hmm.. the weather is SOOO hot i perspire every morning and night.

watched kingdom of heaven and divergence with darling and the groupies.. KoH was not bad got orlando bloom wahahha.. and fighting scenes of cos.. makes me think that one shld be a freethinker in the case of that movie.. they are fighting for? tiberius tot he was fighting for god but actually he realised its all becos of fame and wealth.. its abt religions or rather wut they believed in.. but war is cruel so i dun like.. and divergence is okok only some parts quite boring.. not much action as i expected.. mainly abt the lovelorn Kwok and the action scenes are superficial..

today before watching KoH, darling and me went to find his workplace.. we were supposed to be hating each other anyway.. Raining in such an exciting day is damn suay.. quite easy to find but chewhong one was dunnowhere.. hahaha.. have to go up the shophouses i tink but we couldnt find the way up.. we realise chinatown got alot food places we nv try out before.. so we mus go there when we run out of options.. hehe.. then ate bak chor mee opp china square central.. its dry one but not bad.. i love the mushrooms!! we were very very hungry... soon darling will be working and there will be lesser time for us to meet up already.. BRR~~ oh yeah china square has an area which sells many earrings and shoes!! shld go there one day.. i named medium doraemon as A-wang if u noe who he is and the big one havent decide yet.. hahaha.. i have a dream to build a toyhouse for the toys.. place them in shelves like they own homes.. but sadly my room is too small to add another shelf.. i tink its time to go candy empire again.. OOOH~ i love tau sar piah.

`i love u always but i hate u, sometimes. wahahah