ok...so today was jus rainy day againnn. well had my POM tut class earlier on and i really liked my tutor. he's confident of wut he's gonna say, clever, funny, lame althou he's old. hahah one of the most interesting tutors i ever met in tp btw. at nite i watched american idol. its very very crude, extremely humiliating and exhilarating, i tell ya. wahah esp simon cowell. altho ppl says he's too straightforward but when he really laughs he's got some charm. oopz. hahah. anyway there's this hongkie called william hung. nt say i am bad or wut.. but he really sings and dance very oddly...

`Idolism: Do you have it?
ytd went 3 places. got many red packets and wished many ppl happy new year. ate many titbits. went home. today went my grandma hse for some gambling session..hahha i played mj and blackjack. supposedly i was playin mj, won very very lil cos we played 5 cents 10 cents... at 1st i was winning in mj cos i sat at my lucky seat, then i play blackjack...i lost quite abit. my sis had to play mj and she needed my help.. haha so i told her half half winnings.we did win and earn some money for us!! Very lucky cos the tiles was extremely good.

`sometimes new year is boring.
today was quite a short lesson for my class..2 hrs of LAB and sch ends! after tt went to orchard with nancy, angie and crystal cos i need a tee! i ended up buyin a bracelet which looks rusty with a heart in the middle...its so nice !! later on took some pics at far east orchard..the pics turn out nice with the background..so no complaints..forgive me ok!!
Uh-huh. so i went fishing and riding bicycles at bedok jetty with some friends...wahaha this is the first time i am at this jetty..the sky there is great cos no clouds and u can see many many stars! Bright and glittering in the dark sky. very beautiful. angie, crystal and me were chatting ard and talking abt some jing BAO thing.. later i looked up into the sky and i saw a shooting star!!!! we waited and waited still no fish! joey's bike crashed onto me!! we ate at the lagoon and went hme nt long later....

`shooting stars**
so i went to school wif a very dreadful pace, trodding my heavy feet along the way.. yeah during POM lecture i was fooling ard with crystal..poor drk and weiming had to sit beside and listen our crap. heheh..:p cant wait to go to sch.. ah i mus stop playing ard now. mus FOCUS on studies, get onto directors' honours list if possible cos then i will get money too..wahahah. STUDY!!!

`school school school
First day of year 2004! Bless me! wow wow ytd was great becos there were pretty fireworks at the esplanade..so many ppl gathered there to embrace the new year and the mood was very joyous and upbeat. everyone was screaming shouting, yelling, talking aloud..we waited and waited, and finally the fireworks appeared at 12. so enthralling, enchanting, bewitching and captivating! after tt we headed down to katong to eat...the stingray is spicy and ultimately gddie! we took many pictures (i am still waiting for idiotic jerry to send). i cant stand him. he's the lamest guy ever existed!he was carrying a can of campbell's clam chowder in his pouch. wahahahha. later we walked all the way to east coast park. ecp was very crowded ytd, there were music thumpings and ppl playing all sorts of things ah. we found some seats and we played a number game. kinda fun and i was the one who keep kana the loser thing. anyway later got some drizzle and we walked again to macdonald's. there it was, so many ppl who dun wanna slp and chose to eat till dawn... and i wondered why its so damn noisy over there... we were rather tired by tat time..we really had a great time...heehhe.

`happy new year!!